You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

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Didnt Peru have the longest lockdoen in the world?

the SF free houses for all will be made from potato boxes

embrace your SF future, get in line for your potato box home

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Can we get a Teflon cert incorporating being infected also?:rofl:

I had a look but can’t find anything online. I got my booster and they gave a little card like a birthday boy. Can I get a digital cert to confirm I have had my 3rd dose?

You mug

SF say everybody is entitled to live near where they grew up.

Except rural people.

You’re floundering like a beached whale. Do you still think Ireland should be in a level 5 lockdown?

Average age has nothing to do with it, as 80% of Covid deaths are over 65. In rich western countries, it’s primarily the number of people over age 65 and their health status. Continental Europeans by and large are much healthier than fat English slobs, 30% of the UK population are obese, it’s 20% or less in continental Europe including Germany.

Ethnicity is also a factor in the UK just like the US, as it’s well established that Covid death rates among minority groups is 2X the rate of the majority ethnic group. For a number of reasons but mainly because those in minority groups are disproportionally working essential jobs so can’t stay at home (see previous post).

champagne socialist WFH types don’t care about working class people



They are merely a vehicle they use to score points.


[quote="backinatracksuit, post:7083, topic:3476
Why do you think I have never had a flu in my life when many people here seem to get them every year, I haven’t ever gotten that jab and I don’t live like a hermit by any means, I mean I get the old head cold alright. [/quote]

It’s to do with both genetics and how much flu you were exposed to as a child up to about age 8. Immunity is an individual thing, there are billions of different antibodies that develop in response to infections you had as a child and protect you from new infections as an adult. The more exposure to colds and flus you had as a child the better you fare as an adult.

Other factors are you are obviously active/fit and have a healthy diet, and a stress free job according to some :wink:

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Could it be anything to do with the way that I ate chewing gum off the ground in the 1980s?
I have a mate who’s a consultant anaesthitest and he reckons kids these days aren’t exposed to nearly enough germs.
Still though, do you find it unusual that somebody would get flu every year, what’s going on there?

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MSG = modern medicine :smiley:

I mean aside from the fact that it’s been proven time and again MSG is grand in moderation, who the fuck is using it as medicine :rofl:

Come out of the rabbit hole you leper


Getting flu every year is fucked up. That person must have a very weak immune system or else they go around sniffing bicycle seats.

Are you just now reposting whatever stupid memes you come across on Facebook? If so I think you should face an infraction.

The junkies are getting tetchy.

Absolutely. Shalaine Woodley swears by eating soil off the ground which is probably why herself and Rodgers survived the Covid so well. Some people are just more susceptible than others, they don’t have a good range of immune cells whether due to genetics, lack of exposure as children, obesity, bad diet, Vit D deficiency, etc. If you don’t develop a good immune system as a child, you won’t as an adult.

Getting the flu every year is highly unusual though and suggests an underlying problem.


Good one Flu-vio


Were ‘the numbers’ announced yet today?