You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Sinn Fein are anti rural Ireland

The U.K. and Ireland have also had largely similar policies. The U.K. actually went into full national lockdown before Ireland, with the majority of deaths not from Wave 1 there (or in Ireland).

There was then some differences over the summer 2021 months, neither of which massively contributed to deaths, with both countries then highly vaccinated. The fact that the U.K. could roll out the vaccine quicker likely offset any of the tiny difference before that.

Thereā€™s lots of attention bias on the U.K. given the influence of Sky News, BBC and the Guardian, the latter of whom are particularly anti Government.

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Are your feelings hurt you little pharma tart??

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I got the flu once. It was after a massive session in Dublin. Iā€™d a t shirt on inside a very warm jacket. I couldnā€™t take it off as it was late December but I sweated up no end inside Ryanā€™s. Walking home then I was absolutely frozen.

The next morning Iā€™d no energy whatsoever. No real appetite and Iā€™d say of the next 72 hours I slept for 50 of them. Maybe slept was the wrong word. more unconscious than anything. Iā€™m fairly sure Iā€™d tickets for Munster v leinster and I didnā€™t even get out of bed to watch it not to mind go to it.

Iā€™ll never forget the aches and pains in my bones.


Mate you are starting sound like some yoga karen on Instagram


Once is all I got the flu.
17 years old and stayed in the bed for nearly 2 days straight.
The first day,the only movement I had was to switch the sides that I slept on.Thats literally all I could move and even that was a serious effort.
Absolutely and utterly flattened.Ill never forget it.

Yeah Iā€™ve had a few days here and there with head colds and such and recently a sore throat over the holidays but by and large,Iā€™d be OK.

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Fuck them.

Did ye not scape the chewing gum off the floor as young lads? Once you got the pebbly bits spat out it was grand, probably better than sharing a 1.5L bottle of cadet between 8 lads as well.


He probably thinks the Green diesel heā€™s washing on a daily basis gives him immunity and doesnā€™t bother with those alcohol based hand sanitizers.


Sounds like Macron has pissed off the virus. According to their health minister France to report 335,000 new Covid cases today, leaping to top of the European table above plague island. Ban on travel from UK and vaccine passes clearly working well.


There was a lad on newstalk there today. Giving it fucking holly
Was due to fly to france next week but because he wont have his booster cert he wont be let in. Followed by a raft of other texts and calls from lads due to head off to various different locations but all met with similar type issues.
I genuinely dont think itā€™s worth the hassle lads. Youd want probably six months of relative consistency before even thinking of going abroad

I did mate, brought back memories, thatā€™s why I was laughing

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Isnā€™t that what the population have been like for the last two years? or for the last eight hundred with the two lads with sticks above in the Castle.

Where can i get a booster cert ?

Drive on ta fuck was in Lanza end of October no issues, going again in March weā€™re boosted and riddled so not a bother


Travel Bans and restriction clearly working very well again


all that shite will be gone soon, its a total cod and people can see it now at last


The airlines have been fairly adaptable, youā€™ll be grand with a vaxx card.

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I have a feeling my lack of Pcr test will come back to bite me and I wonā€™t be allowed inside a pub in a few months without a booster.