You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite



@mac 11/12/21 " it’s insane putting poisonous vaccines into kids"

@mac today, “just going to pick up the kids from school, sure a bit of nitrous oxide won’t do them any harm”

You couldn’t make it up


Without signing it and being a loon can anyone give a solid argument for the pass? Vaccines don’t stop you getting or spreading covid. Omicron effects both vaccinated and unvaccinated. People with previous infections can catch and spread Omicron.


wtf are you shiteing on about mate?

I’d love to hear one too. Especially now with Omicron circulating

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I don’t think k he knows himself. But he has 30 more minutes on the bold step to think about it


Omicron is the truth vaccines are a ball of shite compared to it and I treble :syringe::rofl:.


The way I see it is the vaccine/recovery pass is bollocks. Zero covid is a better plan for all its faults

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Try swabbing your throat instead of the nose to be sure.

The only solution to this is locking down the vaxxed until the vaccine wears off.


A virus after mutating 4/5 times and lads queing up to get a vaccine for the original variant bates all out :rofl:


Imagine standing in line for the flu vaccine which protects you some what from the version from 2 years ago. It has no impact on the current mutation. Most lads here double and triple vaxxed have had Covid in the last few weeks.

Whatever about that madness. Being made a 2nd class citizen in society if you don’t do what you’re told in terms of your own body is now fair game to be sneered at by people who think they’re left wing do-gooders.

Lads who change their avator to all black for racism when it suits them but then want Aborgines locked in their homes in the Northern territery of Australia forever bates it all.


The vaccines are still working very well against death and serious illness.

51% of those in ICU with Covid coming from 6% of the population.



How many of them are under 40?

The sensible thing is to get boosted then go out and shift all around you

You contradicted yourself there within one sentence.

Some going.

That’s all well and good but the messaging is all about cases and protecting hospital capacity so to that point its not effective

Is it not more about ICU capacity than hospital admissions?