You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

It’s all about hospital and ICU capacity at the moment,
Completely mental how fit young fellas are making a song and dance about not being knocked out by this variant, incredible lack of awareness :man_shrugging:

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That’s not really true though is it. How many are in icu from omicron?

And we go back to the old arguement of why ICU capacity is so low, what its like every winter and how many in ICU are there because of omicron or are they there because of delta

I can’t believe you survived this killer virus and without a vaccine either. You are either a medical miracle or this is all a cod.


It is very anti-science of @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy to only get a mild dose

What’s not true about it?

I must have the Ring Magazine P4P no 1 immune system in the world.

Booster and recovery certs received. Just booked a trip to the moon.

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Great to see the vaccines still greatly reducing the numbers becoming seriously ill.

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They’re treating Djokovic that way precisely because the world is watching

there are doing to deflect from the fact they are locking aborigines into their homes in the Northern Territory. they are a disgusting country


Is he not being treated the same as everyone else? How are they treating him differently?

Djokovic’s sycophants masturbate at the thought of poor people being locked up, children locked in cages separated from their parents.

It’s only when a celebrity doesn’t get their way that they care.


Novaxx is wealthy so the rules shouldn’t apply to him. They love doffing the cap to their perceived betters.

Put him on Nauru

The lack of self awareness of it all is hilarious. They’re calling Novax “the defender of the free world”. :rofl:

Novax’s father calls him “Spartacus”. :rofl:

Novax’s father has even worse deportment than his son.

The lag is getting laggier.


Captain MHQ himself giving out about people being locked up