You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

The screw was peeping as the lag lay sleeping.

Here soooook sook sook sook sook! :laughing:

Surprising to see the correlation between pretend left wingers and authoritarian zealots.

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The Novax sycophants are seething at being called exposed as the celebrity-worshipping hypocrites they are. :grinning:

Mate the Aussies have made of whole TV series about how shit they treat people trying to get into the country


Mark Germaine and @Batigol conveniently ignore fatalities when discussing the merits or demerits of restrictions.

they’re not pretend and they are always the fascists

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Paddy will be after you for presenting that graph

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That Mark Germaine fella is a pretty epic simpleton.

Numbers in ICU down 5 and in hospital down 6 today.

21,926 new cases.

It’s over. If we stopped counting cases and took masks off would we even know there was a pandemic.


Cc @ChairmanDan

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You won’ be fully vaccinated until you receive your 15th booster


Lag be laggy

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Great news

There’s a few posters who staked their entire e reputations on that lag.