You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Not an easy decision.


You should read that again. By linking to it, you are admitting that the whole “Omicron is mild” cult is based upon, at best, wholly incomplete evidence.

It proves the exact opposite of what you presumably want it to “prove”.

NPHET will surely ease restrictions and let us go to the cinema at 9pm

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What would be a rough future date when we can decide if omicron is more mild in your opinion? Nphet certainly seen to think it is and they’re not famous for their optimism

Is the covid thing still going on lads?

HSE are updating the website (by the end of next week) to allow a positive antigen test result to be recorded. Assume this data will be added to the daily PCR case numbers at some point

They’ll have to supply the antigens with QR codes on them otherwise you could have multiple people uploading the same antigen test in order to get the recovery cert

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Is that not wide open to abuse? A positive person could provide 10 positive antigen tests and hand them off to others?

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Would remind you of the likes of @glasagusban and @Tank trying to say the unvaccinated are a threat to the health service when their lifestyle choices are the big threat.


I see Kimmich was back in action last night.

Doesn’t really sound all that serious as some were making out now does it?

He missed 6 games in a 21 day period.

For 14 of those days he had to isolate at home.

Looks like the chaps who jumped all over this are beginning to look silly again and that the talk that Covid had caused serious damage were utterly bogus.

Can’t imagine any footballer returning to top level action in 6 weeks if they had serious lung damage.

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Depends on which antigens they accept I guess. You can get tests with/without a unique QR code on them.

Dont whatever you do put coke on a test. On tonic water. Or butter. Or run it under a hot tap for a bit.


More mild than something else does not mean mild.

This doesn’t seem mild to me.

In short, we should abolish the word “mild” from this discussion because it is used by the usual bad faith propagandists for political purposes.

Missing 6 games with something you said doesn’t affect young people is a lot I would have thought

Numbers steady in icu going down a bit in hospitals. Definitely looking good at the moment

Stick a fork in it


You’d imagine it’ll rise a bit next week assuming the lads are right and we hit peak. Still though it’s very encouraging. Out and about with work during the week, people seem to be cautiously optimistic that we may finally be coming to at least the beginning of the end.

Yeah, stick a fork in care for non Covid issues

They could change the close contact rules


I think we’ll be able to make some definitive pronouncements by the evening of Monday 17 January (after the weekend hospital discharges take place earlier that day). The next 9 days are crucial.