You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

What is the usual rate of absenteeism in the HSE in January?

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None covid issues no longer matter so we have been told.

What the???!

Who said that?
These are tricky times for the health service, we canā€™t in all honesty knowingly bring Covid , even omicron into hospitals

About 6 per cent

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No need to be upset. Just correcting some misinformation.


Come again? What misinformation are you correcting?

ā‚¬ā‚¬ā‚¬ā‚¬ā‚¬ā‚¬ā‚¬ā‚¬ā‚¬ā‚¬ā‚¬ā‚¬ā‚¬ā‚¬ā‚¬ cha ching

Covid is over, just get omicron and forget about it.

The unvaccinated would be no threat to any health system anyway if they would just agreed to be thrown out onto the street, like is fair. Could we not just all agree to that and everyone wins?


BTW, I heard something ridiculous on the radio today. An Irish doctor saying that there was no upside whatsoever to the high omicron numbers because this was not a virus that gives long term immunity.

By the same rationale thereā€™d be no upside to high vaccination numbers. Also, maybe past infection doesnā€™t give long-term immunity against re-infection but infection likely (probably definitely) gives t-cell immunity to fight against more serious symptoms.

The shite and fear that gets pumped onto the public is unbelievable.


You should stop listening to the radio if it frightens you bro

Lads like @Tank seem incapable of dealing with reality.

They call reality ā€œfearā€ now.

@Tank, @TheUlteriorMotive and their other ā€œweā€™re so braveā€ bros here are basically the very Breda and Nuala caricatures they like to knock.


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Where do people on both sides find all these random fuckers on Twitter to back up their opinions on such a consistent basis?

It does look at this stage like Omicron may not be too much to worry about but his hypothesis there implies that cases are supposed to immediately result in people going to ICU or they wonā€™t at all, which is obviously completely wrong.

But mad Max is a software engineer and farmer so obviously an expert.


Orla has yis cards marked.

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Harder. Sooner. Just to be safe.

Iā€™d say Leo meant to send it to Tony instead of tweeting it

6 games in a 21 day period, 14 days which he had to isolate after his positive case. Sure vaccinated players have missed loads of games too with Covid.

You and your ilk were spinning trying to make out Kimmich had serious consequences from Covid - this has been proven to be utter nonsense.


Vile stuff from Macron. ā€œThe unvaccinated are non citizensā€ apparently now in France. Absolutely vile language. The fact that its acceptable by the mainstream media is even more concerning.