You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite


She is some dose. The type who’d chortle away at ‘Tony’ in a superman costume no doubt. Covid and it’s manifestations have become a part of their personalities


Ewan hit back


Orla hurt Ewan pretty badly there. Even if she doesn’t know who he is.

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Orla is a freak.

Even you know that.

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Very interesting debate/conversation.


Kimmich himself has since said he wishes he’d been vaccinated.

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He’d remind you of Monty Burns.


More down to the punitive rules around unvaccinated and close contacts.

There was a big hullabaloo when he tested positive and issues with his lungs. It turned out to be bullshit though.

The latest studies are showing that long Covid impacts the vaccinated and unvaccinated
You cannot hide from long Covid.

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What about short Covid no one talks about that a runny nose for a few days and then it’s gone?


It’s grand, HEPA filters, social distancing and N95 masks will mean Covid is preventable forever, pal.

Is there a way of diagnosing and verifying long covid?

No. It’s really not well understood.

Lads who have been on the dole for more than 12 months are very susceptible


There are a lot of illnesses that are like that in fairness, especially when they are new.

Is that all Covid is? Incredible how it’s locked down much of the world for 2 years, a runny nose for a few days

There have been over 100 different symptoms recorded for long covid, with 10 different organs affected… fatigue was just one but enough for the usual lazy comments from the ignorant. Heart palpitations / increased heartbeat was very common also and in a lot of people it is a cough or breathing issues for a couple of weeks after contracting the disease…but let’s all turn it into a weapon to attack the unemployed :roll_eyes:
You can understand why people like Macron think the unvaxxed and covid deniers should not be regarded as equal citizens…

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What’s vile about it? What are you whingeing about?

“To be a citizen is to have rights and duties, and duties come first,” he said. “The idea of freedom brandished by some of our fellow citizens to say ‘I’m free not to get vaccinated’, that stops where you impinge on others’ liberty, where you put others’ lives in danger.”

You want the unvaccinated to have the right to put other people at risk by blocking up our health service. And you don’t think the unvaccinated should take any responsibility for their choices. Why should everyone else put up this? By all means choose not to get vaccinated if you don’t want to, but don’t expect the rest of society to have to change how they live because you want to be awkward. Take responsibility for your own choices and stop whingeing like a little bitch.


So you’re siding with an authoritarian bigot like Macron?

Not surprised.