You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

If only this was applied to anything else. Weā€™d be stripping citizenship off of hundreds every day


Heā€™s not stripping citizenship off anybody, but you know that of course

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It was a broad statement (which you knew, of course) but itā€™s the point. There are people who commit actual crimes, harming other people directly and they donā€™t get locked out of all hospitality for a year and counting.

No one takes any of the other ā€œdutiesā€ of being a citizen ahead of their rights.


Theyā€™re colluding with the enemy during time of war. They should be let to rot.

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Thereā€™s no diagnostic test or definition for Long Covid.

The first approach uses a checklist of 12 classic symptoms, including fever, cough and loss of taste or smell, and found around one in 20 (5%) of participants reported any of these symptoms more than 12 weeks after testing positive. For similar ā€œcontrolsā€ who had tested negative, the estimate was around 3.5%; this does suggest most cases might have had those symptoms even without a Covid infection.

Youā€™d be surprised, Iā€™d say the vast majority of people take the duties of citizenship very seriously and have little to worry about as regards their rights.
If you want to be a pedant as regards the comments of Macron then go ahead, but a French citizen will remain so no matter how much of an awkward shit stirrer they are

Itā€™s a broad statement alright and for most people it will be something minorā€¦ Not everyone is trying to defraud the state tho ffs. Itā€™s absolutely mental how many enemies people can create to justify their own position ā€¦

The governmentā€¦ Big pharmaā€¦ Nuala on Facebookā€¦ Dole headsā€¦

Theyā€™re all holding me back from going to the pubā€¦

It is also the duty of citizens to ensure those in power are not corrupt or rule by decree infringing on the rights of citizens

Thatā€™s bullshit, where do you draw the line there? If this virus was killing millions every day do we still have the right to do as we please.
Macrons language is extreme and in the context of the latest variant it may be over the top but nobody is being stripped of citizenship, If you you want to avail of certain hospitality then roll up your sleeve, piece of piss

If it was killing millions we wouldnā€™t be talking about it 2 years later forcing people to take a vaccine for due to mutations only works on a previous strain, that doesnā€™t stop you getting reinfected or spreading it. Instead of pushing this vaccine on people maybe develop it to tackle to problem we have in 2022 and not not 2020


Iā€™m sure scientists are trying to develop something to try combat it mateā€¦ Are you suggesting they should be able to pre-empt mutations and variations? ā€¦ Itā€™s a new disease, to suggest scientists should be out in front of it and not behind it is a bit silly. We can all agree that the vaccine has reduced serious illness. Letā€™s be grateful for that much.


By the time theyā€™d have a vaccine developed for 1 variant weā€™d have about 2 or 3 variants since sure. Reducing serious illness and death is probably as good as the vaccines can get


Not saying they can pre empt anything but there is also a point of integrity to say it worked for alpha/delta but not for omicron, scientists donā€™t donā€™t need to be front and centre, except the ones who have put themselves there. They can continue to work away in the background on new ones. The likes of macron and other leaders doubling down claiming the vaccine still works is bollocks.

You are correct that it has prevented uncountable deaths vs alpha and delta. Omicron, most likely is a different virus with similar traits and dna from precious variants.

ā€˜Most likelyā€™ is the key part there.

The long Covid deniers havenā€™t addressed the following at all. They prefer to stick their fingers in their ears and run away singing la la las to themselves.

The true number of deaths from the Covid pandemic in the US is probably being undercounted, due to the long-lasting and little-understood effects of Covid infection and other deadly complications that surged during the past two years.

ā€œWe are seeing right now the highest death rates we have ever seen in the history of this business,ā€ J Scott Davison, CEO of insurance company OneAmerica, told journalists on 30 December.

ā€œDeath rates are up 40% over what they were pre-pandemic,ā€ he said, among working-age people between 18 and 64. Deaths among older Americans have also increased, with one in 100 Americans over the age of 65 dying.

Previous crises pale in comparison to the pandemic, Davison said. ā€œA one-in-200-year catastrophe would be a 10% increase over pre-pandemic [levels]. So 40% is just unheard of.ā€

Many of the deaths arenā€™t counted in the official Covid tally, he said, because they happen months after Covid infections. ā€œThe deaths that are being reported as Covid deaths greatly understate the actual death losses among working-age people from the pandemic. It may not all be Covid on their death certificates, but deaths are up in just huge, huge numbers.ā€

In addition to deaths from Covid-19, drug overdoses ā€“ already one of the leading causes of death for working-age adults ā€“ and homicides have also risen during the pandemic.

Insurers are also seeing a rise in disability claims ā€“ at first for short-term disability and now for long-term disability, because of both long Covid and delayed care for other illnesses, ā€œbecause people havenā€™t been able to get the healthcare that they need because the hospitals are overrunā€, Davison said. Itā€™s a trend ā€œconsistent across every player in the businessā€ of insurance.

Deaths from long Covid have been particularly difficult to track, because the virus may no longer be present at the time of death, but it weakened organs or created fatal new ailments.

ā€œWeā€™re seeing the statistics get written as we go, almost,ā€ Micah Pollak, associate professor of economics at Indiana University Northwest, said. And high rates of mortality and disability will only continue as more people get infected, he said.

ā€œWe really donā€™t know what the tail of this thing looks like,ā€ Pollak said of long Covid. ā€œThe further you get out [from infection], the longer time you have to potentially develop some kind of complications.ā€

The high rates of death have not surprised him, Pollak said, given the equally high rates of cases and the unknown effects of a novel virus.

ā€œThereā€™s just so much evidence of these long-term effects of Covid that I naturally assumed people realized that, hey, weā€™re gonna see probably a lot of deaths down the road ā€“ not necessarily soon after infection, but indirectly as a result of infection, as well as not just deaths but disability.ā€

He expects these losses to continue as the pandemic surges and hospitals pass their breaking points.

ā€œPeople say that weā€™re on the verge of the healthcare system collapsing and things like that, and I think weā€™re probably past that point,ā€ Pollak said. ā€œWe donā€™t really know whatā€™s going to happen in the next month or so as all these Omicron cases hit the healthcare system.ā€

The crush of the latest surge is adding to two years of overload and burnout, which could have serious long-term implications for healthcare.

ā€œWeā€™re going to come out of this with a healthcare system just incredibly diminished because of what itā€™s gone through,ā€ Pollak said. ā€œWā€‹e have some very serious long-term consequences for our healthcare system that, if we donā€™t address them, youā€™re going to see more sickness, more preventable illnesses, whether itā€™s Covid or otherwise, showing up in the population that we just canā€™t deal with.ā€

Humans share 60% of our dna with bananas. Doesnā€™t mean we are the same as bananas.

Why use a vaccine that is for a different virus to combat one we have

The bastards are trying to keep me locked up till the 20th :rage:ā€¦ Eldest only displayed symptoms (that we know of) last Tuesday so because sheā€™s unvaxxed weā€™ve to add 7 days on to her 10ā€¦ I didnā€™t bother getting the 10 week old tested , just took it that he had it along with the rest of usā€¦ But our HSE friends are saying you have to test him and count from then for him if heā€™s positiveā€¦ The Mrs made the call and will play it by the bookā€¦ Iā€™m 12 days since first symptoms and have an intermittent snotty nose but thatā€™s about itā€¦ The lady said they add on additional time for unvaxxed as they are more transmissibleā€¦ @Tierneevin1979 , whatā€™s the science on this?

@Massey , will someone call the cops if I go out?

I hope so you murderer


The nocebo effect is as real as the placebo effect.

Oh I think lot of lads here have gone bananas alright.

Because i) theyā€™re the only vaccines we currently have and ii) they continue to provide excellent protection against severe disease from all variants. Itā€™s very easy to understand.