You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

How do you take responsibility for not taking a medicine? What would suggest?

This so called vaccine is not in fact a vaccine. A proper vaccine like the one for polio lets say actually stops transmission and provides immunity.

The current covid vaccines do no such thing. But anyway what would you suggest the unvaccinated should do in terms of “taking responsibility” ?

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I’ll stab you in the eye and you can tell me if that’s real you cunt.

Orla’s Twitter followers contain a lot of people who tend to stereotype . Very like the type of folk they decry


Live and let live guys. People can assess their own risks.

If you are in the vulnerable category and didn’t get vaxed then you could argue these folks are reckless but we see obese folk drinking litres of coke every week and nobody bat’s an eyelid even though someday they’ll likely end up blocking a hospital bed ahead of someone who ate well and looked after their bodies.

With the current evidence we have to hand vaccine certs appear to be a compete waste of time and serve no obvious purpose in the interest of common health.

Let’s hope sense prevails but you’d really wonder.


Then only stabbing you do is in the dark playing Wordle.

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You’re some mug getting tested.

We all need to exercise personal responsibility and get on with things.


I knew/know that…

The issue is the young kids… of course we’re still gonna go for walks / drives to the beach etc. But Mrs was thinking along the lines of visiting her mother and sisters around the corner so rang about the guidelines … It’s totally arbitrary, but I also knew that. I did my test out if curiosity because I kept getting negative antigens. cc @Massey

There’s a few lads who won’t like that post. Plenty of common sense in there.Youd be a mug testing yourself these days.

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I’m fucking dying here lads. Don’t think it’s covid though. It might be loosely related to a half bottle of whisky and several cans.

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There’s a savage throat infection going around (not covid)

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Proper order, and don’t you dare sneak out for a run you murderer.


Fergal with some big breaking news.


It’s really simple. Unvaccinated people need to be kept out of and away from the rest of society. If you choose to be unvaccinated, that’s your choice, be a man and accept the consequences, and above all stop whingeing like a little bitch. Own the consequences of your choice. That’s taking responsibility.


There is no rationale whatsoever for what you’re saying especially with Omicron. I think your position is a harsh one and it highlights a very nasty side to you. Its bigotry to be honest.

People like you won’t be keeping me out of society anyway. I’ll tell you that. No chance kid.


If you believe this god help you. The real people who need to be kept out of society is these loons that think we all need vaccines for a head cold.


For how long would you exclude them?

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I disagree with all that. As I stated before, there is no justification for this viewpoint imho as long as those who are unvaccinated are not breaking any law. It’s very divisive and creates a divide in society and pits people against each other. That is not a path society should be going down.


Quite the sanctimonious viewpoint


Spoken like the intolerant mini fash you are.


That makes no sense at all. You think a building contractor for example will give a fuck who is vaxed or who isn’t if he has available labour?