You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Thatā€™s what he described the vaccine pass for hospitality as. If you think we should extend it I have no issue with that but we should discuss whatā€™s actually happening.

Outed myself how? Iā€™ve said already I have no issue with vaccine passes. Iā€™ve no problem with you not being allowed into pubs. Why canā€™t you just take responsibility for your own choices instead of whingeing like a little bitch?

Whingeing is your speciality @glasagusban. Isnt there a good causes thread named after you? The do-gooder nonsense is just that now for all to see. Youā€™re a hypocrite.

You want to lock 6% of the country out of society for good. Just because theyā€™re hesitant about taking a medical procedure(s) , that clearly are not stopping transmission or providing immunity for a virus that now is very mild.

You have lost the plot. In fact youā€™re a headbanger.


Woah now, kid.

The 6% in ICU in hindsight probably think they should of taken the Vaccine.

What Iā€™d like to see is the age profiles of these unvaccinated people who are in ICU currently.

If itā€™s older people who are vulnerable then the state should be making everyone aware.

If there are younger so called ā€œ fit & healthy ā€œ people then again itā€™s screams out loud ā€œ get vaccinated ā€œ.

People, whichever side of the Pro Vaccine or Anti Vaccine side of the fence need to quit slinging shit now about Vaccines either stopping infection or transmission.

We now know the vaccine helps reduce serious illness.

But youā€™ve been constantly whinging since the start of the pandemic?


I wouldnt put it like that Sid, are you looking to stop discussion at this point? Is it getting a bit uncomfortable?

That appears to be @glasagusbanā€™s angle anyway.

Personally I donā€™t think it is ā€œwhingeingā€ to call out Macron as an example of absolute fascism when he called the unvaccinated non citizens in France.

Or your man Michael Gunner in the Northern Territory in Australia not allowing the unvaccinated to exercise or even go to work. Both he deemed non-essential.


Is it just me and @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy on the ester c and liposomal c that have not gotten the Covid yet.

Itā€™s a small sample admittedly but equally no less compelling.


I havenā€™t gotten it yet either kid. Iā€™ve been tested 4 times now . That being said I reckon given my profession, I must have picked it up at some stage and am either a symptomatic or just a fucking machine. Iā€™m going with the latter


Iā€™ve never had covid that I know of

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Still avoiding it :man_shrugging:

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Get out from under the bed ffs.

Sure pal sure

You thought inanimate objects might kill you from the virus.


I havenā€™t caught it yet either. I genuinely have not had one symptom that suggested that I have since March 2020.

Thats what drives me mad about the ā€œabolish the unvaccinated from societyā€ stuff.

It is absolutely nonsensical to mandate a vaccine for people who wonā€™t end up in hospital at all from this virus.

The chances are that I have had it and didnā€™t even notice.


You had it alright if your Mrs did. Negative antigen means nothingā€¦ I had all negatives too.

How many of the "unvaccinated " in ICU are those who are not eligible/cannot get a vaccine?

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Every American stadium full to the brim and Paddy not allowed into Leopardstown


Our government shat themselves a few weeks ago with these nonsensical restrictions.

I rode the wife this morning. Iā€™ve been self isolating since


Moderna not finished with ye yet.

If you hadnā€™t caught Covid yet, is it fair to say you probably have had it with zero symptoms on a few occasions or you canā€™t actually catch it? My missus has had it and we slept in the same bed for two nights as thought it was a reaction to a vaccine and over Christmas I was on the beer for a day with a fella that tested positive a day later and still nothing.