You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

yes, heard the MSM beat of the drum this morning that the reason Omicron has caused such little serious illness and death is because of the vaccines!!! they are gaslighting us - how do they explain South Africa ?
Oh man, our experts are fools and MSM are parrots


If the vaccines worked than why are treble vaxxed people getting sick? Might as well use the flu jabs from 2018 next year to beat next year’s flu

No more restrictions until the next ‘wave’

In other words, if the vaccines worked then why do they not work?

Are you saying people are getting sick from something akin to a “ head cold “ ??

hed be better off referring it to the SC.

will be interesting to see the correlation between the “my body, my rules” types and those in favour of mandatory vaccine


Another Vaccine on the way $$$

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I don’t agree with mandatory vaccination. I don’t agree with the unvaxxed clogging up ICU units either but forcing people to get vaccinated is a road I don’t want to go down.

Surely we can open temporary hospitals with the bare minimum in equipment/staff for the unvaxxed? Porridge , bread and water for meals. No heating or clean bed sheets
 Let them take their chances there if they don’t want to get vaccinated.


I found myself nodding in agreement with that. Mandatory vaccinations or riling up the unvaccinated like Macron is doing is only going to entrench them even further.

If I put my tinfoil hat on, Russia and China want to divide western societies and by creating a them vs us with the vaccines we are playing right into their hands. Macron is being mugged off.

They’ve been doing it for years. Look at all the recent major debates - Brexit, Trump, Vaccines - things have never been so polarised. Xi and Putin are loving it.

I still remember Obama laughing at Mitt Romney for calling out Russia as a threat in 2012. Only now do we see how right Mitt was.

EDIT: Choco has added a second paragraph in jest since I posted which I did not nod my head in agreement with.


Salesman endorses his own product.

Simpletons will still lap it up


In the not too distant past people would cough to disguise a fart. Now they’re farting to disguise a cough.


Kite down.

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I’d be very surprised if we’re not past the peak of the current wave in terms of case numbers

Has one person even died from omicron? but here we have this Pfizer scumbag pushing another vaccine, when will people wake up?


Massive Delta wave conferring natural immunity, 75% of the population with antibodies.

Look, the awkward squad have made their minds (such as they are) up at this stage. They only believe what they want to believe, no matter approach we take. What do we benefit by pandering to them?

With regard to dividing society, where is the harm in this? Surely we all benefit by minimising interaction with the awkward squad. If we could remove them off to spike island or wherever it was that Tom Brady suggested wouldn’t we all be better off? It’s hard to see a convincing case for keeping them around, apart from perhaps needing them for cannon fodder when the Russians do eventually attack as you infer.

Any sign of a new variant of concern? We must be due one at this stage

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Can we please move all the awkward squad of fatties to Castaway Island off the coast of Galway? They’ve had our health services under pressure non stop for 30 years+. All they have to do is reduce eating but they won’t stop. Why should we as a society have to fund these self harming selfish bastards.

Enforced mandatory stomach staples for anyone over a BMI of 30 may be the answer.