You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Fatties like @glasagusban like to point the fingers elsewhere because they are unwilling to make lifestyle changes.

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The likes of Claire byrne should have stuck with delta In early December. Omicrononavent has been a disaster for them.




Ooooh Ahhhh Paul McGrath


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Everytime you bless us with some of your trivial rural anecdotes that predict an end to it, things go tits up.

In there is a major issue.

Modern life is far too fast paced, working hours far too long and processed food is killing us all slowly.

The few positives of Covid was a leaning to wfh, people having time to cook again and people exercising more.

Processed food is a silent killer.

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A white supremacist isnā€™t the guy you should be rallying behind hereā€¦ That bastard tried to destroy my people.

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These lads seem to love putting racists on a pedestal,
Itā€™s crazy how racists in general are attracted to that side of the issue :man_shrugging:

You seem to enjoy living like this.

I simply try and point out examples of normality.

ruh roh.

People encouraged to work for home if they can and hospitality closing at 11PM.

The horrible bastards.


Apologies, I didnā€™t know that information. The slo mo thread rules doesnā€™t allow me to remove.

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The Lakota will rise again.

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Of course Russia and China want to divide and destroy western societies by promoting dangerous nonsense, especially fascist nonsense. And theyā€™re doing it very successfully.

And the best way to play into the hands of Russia and China is to appease that dangerous fascist nonsense.

Empty slogans like ā€œletā€™s not be dividedā€ or ā€œletā€™s not play into their handsā€ donā€™t cut it and donā€™t understand the problem at all. You canā€™t pretend the problem doesnā€™t exist. You canā€™t treat fascism as a legitimate political ideology. You have to defeat it, not pander to it, because if you pander to it, it will eat your societies from within. Far too few people in western Europe, the US and other democratic societies understand that. Theyā€™ve forgotten the lessons of history.

God willing. Good people no doubt.

Donā€™t mind that woke cunt, William Osler is widely recognized as the father of modern medicine, one of the founders of Johns Hopkins and created the first residency programs. The woke hate him because he told a few off colour jokes on social media of the early 20th century. If we were relying on the likes of @Thomas_Brady and his sacred hoop medicine would involve chewing bark and bleeding people with leeches.

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