You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Ronald McDonald says we need to eat more Big Macs


Sure you can take as many as you want. This vaccine works well for alpha and delta. It prevented deaths due to those variants. Omicron is no where near as deadly as those variants either.

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Persil says kids should get dirty

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Bet there would be no problem if we had to eat a big mac to fight covid.

“There is a tiny minority of people who are resistant,” Emmanuel Macron said of the unvaccinated in an interview with readers of Le Parisien on Tuesday. “We can reduce that, I’m sorry to say, by pissing them off even more. I am not here to piss off the French… but the unvaccinated, I really want to piss them off.”

Macron is doing a great job. @The_Most_Infamous isn’t even French and Macron has him absolutely hopping. It’s gas. Macron is some man to piss lads off when he puts his mind to it. He’d be a great addition on here.

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Good man @glasagusban , you are still seething I see from the weekend. :grinning:


genius idea to piss off a large chunk of the electorate in an election year


He will know full well it will piss of the Le Pen voters and will benefit him in the long run

Macron will surely be nominated for FOTF status @Bandage ?

Friend of the Fascists?


Episode 16 GIF by The Simpsons

Liberty, Equality and Fraternity, are just some of the foundational principles of the French state which I will be looking to destroy.


74.5% of the French population have had at least two vaccines. And most of those who haven’t aren’t eligible to vote. And pretty much all of those who haven’t had two vaccines who are eligible to vote are either non-voters or are outside the pool of potential Macron voters as it is.

Read the article there and you’ll see why. It’s not a large chunk, 10%. And of course he wouldn’t want those kind of oddballs voting for him anyway. If he pisses them off enough they might emigrate altogether which would be an excellent end result. The rest of society could go back to normal and get on with their lives then. The awkward squad could move to America and pay for their own health treatment when they get sick, it would be win win for all concerned.

thats the narrative, that its a “basket of deplorables”. :roll_eyes:

the thing of it is that, whilst there may be many swivel eyed loons among the vaccine sceptics, there’s also people who are questioning of the draconian approach and this wont help macron come poll time.

there’s also seriously swivel eyed loons among the zero coviders as well, some of whom post here


Plenty of double vaxxed people have a severe issue with the intolerance and bigotry on display from zealots like you.

Anyone who is truly anti-fascist will have a severe issue with the authoritarianism people like you support, vaccinated or unvaccinated.


There’s a lot that you say here that’s correct. There’s also the giant assumption that anyone who got vaccinated is of the same opinion as macron when it comes to the unvaccinated. I’d argue that there is a fairly large bunch of that group who are vaccinated but don’t agree with Macron’s hardline stance. It’s certainly the case here. And as time goes on, more people are coming around to the point of view that the vaccines aren’t what they were cracked up to be, and that completely fucking the growing minority of people who don’t feel like continued re-vaccination is wrong.


The journalists journalist strikes again. The pandemic won’t be over until we don’t have to wear muzzles