You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Are some counties above the national average again?


Breaking it down by county seems pointless.

I knew I had the Delta.

Fuck you @Bod95

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According to the Indo, if you’re boosted and have no symptoms you wont have to restrict movements under the new guidance.


Whether or not your boosted makes no difference if you can spread omicron or not. Lift all restriction of movements or lock everyone up to stop the spread. There is no evidence backing up any of the suggestions



That’ll be the end of it. A few extra hours in the pub by friday would be lovely as well

Bananas if the 8 pm bullshit goes on any longer than today.

they need to look at the numbers of the next two weeks


Would you go so far as to say the next two weeks are critical ?

Can you disagree with the idea of mandatory vaccination while still believing that people who have refused vaccines up till now are generally awkward arseholes??
Is that allowed?


I’ll allow it. Your entitled to think some people are assholes. Doesn’t make them assholes but you should be allowed to believe it and call them assholes as much as you want

Your not forcing people to do something and no one can force you to think some people are assholes. The way the world should be

A large cohort of those who are unvaccinated are non-nationals and those from disadvantaged backgrounds so I would say some of the hate speech we’ve seen here recently from our resident progressives about locking them out of society further, cutting off their welfare and washing them down before forcefully vaccinating them would be unhelpful to put it mildly.

But yeah let’s just lump them all in as awkward and continue to marginalise them if we think that will improve things.


that worked out so well for their icon Hillary clinton didnt it


I was under the impression its a lot lower

You can of course. You can be against mandatory vaccines and vaccine and not be a misogynistic, racist, homophobic, far-right lunatic too


If we are allowing people into this country who are so at odds with our way of life and culture we need to rethink our immigration laws. These anti vaxx nutters are basically terrorists , coming here to destroy our way of life and existence.

This is no longer about covid.

This is a war on terror.

Pretending to care about the welfare of immigrants and unemployed now? It would be believable if you hadn’t advocated the let it rip approach at the outset which would have resulted in the deaths of many many more elderly and vulnerable.

It’s over.