You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

To me that sounds like great news.

You can of course, itā€™s just that most people who are against vaccine mandates are misogynistic, racist, homophobic far right lunatics.

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I just donā€™t get it, itā€™s like she has a God complex. Her pushing for ventilation was and is still is a noble enough thing but she is putting it alongside the impact of vaccines. Itā€™s just nonsense and is not borne out of any real world evidence of a society fully opened with no travel restrictions.

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So predictable mike. Never change.

The charge of the progressive brigade - Iā€™ve decided Iā€™m the most virtuous amongst us so I xan actually say whatever I want regardless of how racist or xenophobic or divisive it is and if anyone points this out to me I just scream AS IF YOU CARE!!! into their faces.

Consistent at least.


Sure thatā€™s why your lot get nowhere with any ideas. Sensationalism mixed in with hysteria will get you no where.

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Your jab doesnā€™t work after 4 weeks, we NEED to spend billions on reconfiguring every building in Ireland to stop people getting head colds. Covid fanatics are utterly deranged, their minds have been destroyed.


Find it funny when sheā€™s introduced as an expert on ventilation because sheā€™s an Architect. The majority of Architects Iā€™ve worked with know absolutely zero about Mechanical or Electrical Services.


These lads will use anything to get the pubs open. Suicide, immigrants, domestic violence, elongated menstral cycles of vaccinated womenā€¦ Itā€™s endless.


@Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy , a few points to help me as much as help you:

  • I think that mandatory vaccinations for 6% is a lesser breach of human rights than a lockdown for 100%.

  • But that doesnā€™t mean we should have mandatory vaccinations. Thereā€™s no guarantee that mandatory vaccinations would end the lockdown.

  • Mandatory vaccinations would also be a slippery slope. It could be gradually expanded to include kids and boosters every 3 months, which are untested and might be dangerous. If it went wrong it could turn into the biggest public health crisis of all time.

  • The health service should be able to cope with just 6% of the population being idiots like you.

  • Other countries have a long history of deliberate ā€œus vs themā€ in their electoral politics but never Ireland. The PDs tried it for a while but the public have always rejected it.

  • You might be surprised to hear that some of my best friends are as stupid as you are and I am currently involved in a hi-tech conspiracy to defeat the vaccine-pass rules about entry to concerts. The complicated criminal plan involves the use of cutting edge technology like e-mails, barcodes and fake IDs.

  • So on balance Iā€™m against mandatory vaccinations.

  • Even if they did introduce mandatory vaccinations it would have to be done in a way that limits the right to bodily integrity as little as possible. So that would mean it should apply to over-45s or over-50s only. There is no argument for applying it to your age group. Similarly, most of the people hospitalized are still getting sick with Delta, so can mandatory vaccination for Omicron really be justified?

Those are my thoughts.

The departed Conor Pfizer tried to ask her a question in good faith about studies on the efficacies of the measures she was advocating only to be told she wasnā€™t a research assistant and he could go and swing :grinning:


There will not be mandatory vaccination, (unless a genuine deadly wave hits) why do we debate like itā€™s a likelihood?

Is it an anti vaxx red herring?

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I see she sentenced one of her polls to DELETION after it had been ā€œhijackedā€

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The majority of people in Ireland agree with me.

Whereas you have been on here whinging for the last two years because you didnā€™t get your way and are now reduced to retweeting the actual Nazi sympathiser and anti-semitic conspiracy theorist Paul Joseph Watson and other right wing extremists.

Go and have a lie down like a good lad. :wink:

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Hard to think of a person in the country more associated with one word than Buff Egan and ā€œDELETIONā€*

  • Maybe Marty Morrissey and ā€œPassionā€ or ā€œPrideā€

I really donā€™t think so. Have you given up on zero covid yet?

She has had a go at both engineers and Mike Ryan of the WHO in recent days for not saying that they are cure all and her supporters just seem to lap it up. Because she claims that Covid is ā€œpreventableā€ it is hopium to many nervous parents destroyed by 2 years of fear porn in the media.

I found her credentials as an ā€œexpertā€ to be questionable after she made a fool of herself in talking about airplanes, oblivious to HEPA being on all flights. I would have though an expert in the field would be aware of that!

Ventilation and air filtering seemed like a great thing to try when we had no vaccines when trying to control numbers but just seems like complete bullshit in a society reopened. One of her most cited countries was Germany, who she then claimed hadnā€™t done all that was necessary like Asia did after their cases exploded. The additional step there we can assume is basically banning travel, which is really what all these Zero Covid, Vaccine Plus etc things come down to yet they disingenuously donā€™t mention it anymore as they know most of the West have moved on. Better to latch onto schools and tell nervy Deirdre and speccy Alan on Twitter that Little Jonny wonā€™t get Covid if the government just install HEPA filters everywhere.


Your in dream land again if you think the majority of people in Ireland agree with you.

Your beloved vaccine has been made pointless.


@glasagusban is in favour of mandatory vaccination. Its taking place in a number of countries in Europe this year. Austria, Italy, Greece are examples. Are you being disengenious again tracksuit?

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How are we all this evening folks?

She knows a lot about hot air.

When is the lag we were told about going to expire ?