You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

We need re-education camps for these unvaxxed nutters. First to teach them about personal hygiene and then about the pros and cons of being awkward. We can also ship in people from Tipperary to teach them about alternative uses of tin foil other than a hat.

Em, thereā€™s a slight problem with that. You canā€™t re-educate somebody who has never been educated.

Quarantine or concentration camps?

I wonder how much you can exaggerate and still wind up the lads

The irony of a lad who uses a fella who wears a plastic bag over their heard for inspiration pontificating to others! :rofl:

[quote=ā€œArthur, post:7664, topic:34764, full:trueā€]
I wonder how much you can exaggerate and still wind up the lads

Didnā€™t take long that time.

If Holohan is correct and we had half a million cases last week, what is the justification at this stage for any of the restrictions.

Surely none of them are working vs Omicron?

Serious question.


Ireland needs to go back to the 5km rule and 9 euro meal, they were clearly working


Current restriction are clearly working in Ireland and driving case numbers down, especially the 8pm closing time for pubs, that is really working


Seems like this is done, at least until the next variant. No justification for keeping the pubs at 8pm close for the next 2 weeks


Apart from the pubs and the reduced attendances, thereā€™s fuck all restrictions over here and I suspect whatever is left will be lifted by the end of the month.

Just make sure Djokovic doesnā€™t enter the country , he is carrying a some strange varient. He could set us back 20 year .


Has anyone mentioned the pubs and 8pm closing yet?




Scotland lifting all restrictions on crowds at sporting events from Monday onwards. Back to a full house being allowed.

Weā€™ll probably be stuck with the 5k limit until the AI semi finals. When it will go up to 12.5k.


There should be zero restrictions on outside sporting events, mate.

No doubt Holohan will probably send a letter to Stephen Donnellys office regarding same though.

Theyā€™re trying to break the unvaccinateds spirit anyway and everyone else really now too with the shutdown of society at 8pm regardless if youā€™re triple vaccinated.

No scientific backing for the majority of it either.

Iā€™ll be called a whinger for that now by the virtue signallers.

Hopefully Omicron will be the way out of this given how transmissive it is. Might be an end game. Weā€™ll see.


Stick a fork in it. The Cheltenham Bank Holiday will be off the charts. With the horsey tippers on here we can get PP to pay for the weekend

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'Tis very funny how the same lads who were telling us all we needed ā€œhopeā„¢ā€ turned out to be the biggest doom mongers of all.

Almost like they were talking complete shite all long.

We might get an ā€˜outdoor summerā€™ from the end of June onwards if weā€™re very good.

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Weā€™ll know that weā€™ve finally cracked it when @Rocko lifts the 30 minute limit. Thatā€™ll be the end of it.