You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Not sure who’s the bigger poultice, you or McGurk

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Always makes me smile when somebody was replying within their 30 minutes

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This lag would want to hurry up


He might go to 20 minutes for February with the hope of 5 minutes by May if we flatten the curve


Never picked the architect to be a fan of Trump style voting
Donald Trump GIF by GIPHY News


The mail-in votes came in


She should have put in "noone gives a fuck anymore " choice. That would have hoovered up

I was dead right about you wanting instant deaths on demand, wasn’t I?


I like a good graph, nice one there in the replies. Philip might just have been doodling but it looks the part anyway.

This gimp Anthony Staines still pressing ahead with the fear mongering.

And another HSE mouthpiece on now about how overworked the health service is. As is the case every single January.


The new anal swab Dr Tony wants us to use is a game changer

Never underestimate the power of the clergy Orla.

@Thomas_Brady will want 10 of them

The same lads who used to moan about people spending 36 hours on trollies are now telling those same people we need to live without a health service.

Almost like they never believed a single word they said and were just virtue signalling to pick up easy forum likes.

The restrictions probably didn’t stop anyone, who was going to get COVID, from getting COVID.

However, it slowed down the rate of infection to a more manageable rate for the Irish health system.

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macron citation GIF by franceinfo

I can’t remember if I, or anyone else, mentioned this before…but I see a resemblance between Stainesy and Chris de Burgh. Those narrow lips and the thin hair with the wispy bit at the back.

How am I an idiot? I bravely faced Covid head on and let my immune system give it a pasting. You on the other hand shat it and went and got monkey semen injected into you by a burly nurse.

I’ve been vindicated and you’ve been made look like a mug so I don’t buy your idiot spin.


Its very upsetting for you Glas in fairness. You rolled your sleeve up thinking you were saving the world. You’ve done it since I’m sure with your booster.

The awful thing is your vaccine does not stop transmission or provide immunity.

You’ve called me a liar on that point for months. You ignorant little bollix.


Lot of lads making bad use of their 30 minutes round here tonight.