You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Positions have moved a lot over last few days , I wonder will it have a knock on effect on the people not getting their kids vaccinated ā€¦

Fuck you @glasagusban

Fuck you.

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I see absolutely no point in getting kids vaccinated at this stage.


Is the carrot that they donā€™t stay out of school if close contact if vaccinated ?

Itā€™s fluidā€¦

What was 100% science last week is garbage today.


Is this all you do now, obsessed

The ā€œwith Covid/of Covidā€ for the LIDTF crew

Evenin all

Sure why the fuck would you log one at all then?


It must be over now that DC is emboldened enough to not just say ā€œwe need to follow the public health advice ā€œ


Theyā€™re all finding their voices now


Pricks. Each and every one of themā€¦ You could count on one hand the number of politicians that questioned government policy/ direction over the last two yearsā€¦ Iā€™m not saying they had to revolt or lead a crusade, but we had next to no discourseā€¦ Just cunts keeping their head down waiting for the next poll to come out.


SF have played the pandemic well politically. I have less time for the apes who would be nodding at that tweet when they were NPHET superfans the whole way through. At least DC is engaging in naked political games.

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Sure youā€™ve agreed with them every step of the way?

SF have played a blinder here.All they had to do was sit back and say absolutely nothing for 2 years.Job done.

I thought SF have been pathetic during the pandemic supporting the government all the way and even going for 0 Covid and not once have we heard them questioning why restrictions are being brought in and the rationale behind them. It is only now when it is clear the restrictions are a pile of shite are they questioning the government


Theyā€™ve let Meehole and Leo take the brunt of peopleā€™s ire.Im mot saying they were right but politically theyā€™ve played a blinder.

Only the independents and micro parties went against the narrative. The type that donā€™t care about polls. Nobody would blame Healy-Raes or ROD for excess deaths but the bigger parties couldnā€™t be seen to go against the ā€˜expertsā€™.

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The pivot will be fascinating.

Wait til George Lee asks if the economic cost of Covid Lockdown was too high