You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Any sign of this lag they kept banging on about?

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Not saying a word about nphet who were the main opposition to the antigens.

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The pivot will be epic. ā€œCivil libertiesā€ will be to the front.

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You must want thousands to die

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Iā€™m really looking forward to going for dinner indoors at some point this year.


Poor oul Joe had the stuffing knocked out of him there.


Monday 17th January is the key date I think.

The next 2 weeks are vital.Internet victories are what itā€™s all about now for some lads.Thereā€™ll be e-graves danced all over by some people.

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Joeā€™s a great example there of one the key problems highlighted in all this. Heā€™s dug in to a position and would sooner defend that position than be open to correction.

Every day is supposed to be a school day.


I laughed at this. Tremenjus self deprecating satire.


Sure you were the same you daft hypocrite.

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The cat is in the sack.

This is good news too -

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Restrictions should be gone by the end of the month unless something dramatic changes

At least he didnā€™t edit it out :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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So a good friend of mine, a lady in her mid-30s (a girl in her mid-30s, she would prefer) has tested positive for covid on the antigen the day before she was supposed to fly to Miami. This was a really big trip, planned for about 6 months. She was flying with a group of my friends to go visit another few friends of mine. Big reunion, now completely ruined for her. Maybe she can fly in April instead but that wonā€™t be the same.

Sheā€™s almost asymptomatic, only a very mild runny nose (those were also my symptoms). She was avoiding me and her boyfriend over Christmas because we were positive, now sheā€™s raging she didnā€™t get it then.

She was boosted 2 weeks before Christmas. That would make me nearly think that thereā€™s no point to the boosters at all but my boosted parents were around me all through Christmas and never tested positive so I donā€™t knowā€¦ maybe thereā€™s some point to the boosters for old people but Iā€™ve my recovery cert and now that I know covid is a joke and the boosters are complete shite after a month I will be avoiding getting the booster for as long as possible. I think now Iā€™ll only get the booster when the government forces me to get into a pub or a gig or get on a plane.

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Welcome to 2020

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Welcome to 2020.

It was very silly of her not to get it. Youā€™d be mad to turn down some Omicron over the Christmas period, what would you be missing out on?

Tank, have a think about your last sentence there, mate. You should never feel forced to take a medical procedure by any government.

Its an awful road weā€™ve gone down that most people donā€™t really consider at all.