You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

This just goes to show that the approach works. Hopefully we adopt a full on Macron-style ā€œpiss them offā€ approach.

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A sense a new variant coming out shortly. Iā€™m guessing Indonesia or somewhere like thatā€¦



The Mrs was talking to doc this morningā€¦ Doc rang us on the back of our 10 week old getting positive test, standard call for young babiesā€¦ She added then at the end that weā€™ll now be able to get a booster in 3 monthsā€¦ And we just after getting a boosterā€¦ Every 3 months :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:. @The_Most_Infamous

Away and shite. Iā€™ve worn the green jersey. Im out now. Iā€™ve no issues with the vaccine obviously and encourage those that need or feel they want it for peace of mind to continue getting itā€¦

Iā€™d say a lot of people that did their bit wonā€™t be for taking any more boosters, especially if Omi is here to stay. Iā€™m gonna concentrate on my 5k time instead.


The missus got our ten year old vaccinated this morning. He had Covid in the autumn.

I could have made a song and dance about it and heā€™d have been vaccinated anyway in March and Iā€™d be without a :dart: until then.

Sometimes in a relationship you have to play for a draw and hope to win on away goals the next day.


Itā€™s over. The boosters should only be for vulnerable people and the rest sent to other countries


Pharmaceutical medicine should only be given to people that need it mate.

This experiment of mass vaccination on a scale never done before for a respitory virus is actually madness when you think about.


So you have finally admitted you got it badly wrong?


Thatā€™s half of the reason why why Iā€™m not taking the booster. Iā€™m not signing up for a subscription service here. The other half is the inefficient against omicron and not preventing me getting ill or transmission.

Before anyone starts I agree it has had a massive effect on preventing hospitalisation and deaths against delta. Iā€™m very low risk to fall into that category but any high risk people should take it.


Itā€™s hard to know about getting the kids vaccinatedā€¦ especially now when it seems to be near end game and vaccinations donā€™t last long anyway ā€¦

Shipping non-vulnerable people off to other countries instead of allowing them the booster seems like a ridiculous waste of financial resources.


I appreciate your point. I only talked to her this morning so Iā€™m still getting used to my new membership of the Awkward Squad. Iā€™m not really sure how to act, I havenā€™t had to think about it until now.

For Boosters

  • Boosters help prevent against severe infection symptoms.
  • Boosters are the reason Christmas wasnā€™t that bad. It was all going to shit until they lashed out the boosters to the old folks in December.

Against Boosters

  • You barely get a month out of them
  • You can only do 3 or 4 of them before you risk doing your immune system serious damage
  • Omicron is a joke. I wouldnā€™t care if I got it 5 times a year.

What if we sent all the vunerable people to New Zealand and opened the pubs?

You forgot to insert your ā€œawkward squadā€ jibe there m8.

Iā€™m sure itā€™s pretty clear to everyone who we want to piss off mate.

Iā€™ll get us both a Vax pass off the dark web bud before yours runs out.

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But itā€™s impossible to get the vaccine without your informed consentā€¦which you have to give freely and safe in the knowledge that you wonā€™t be disadvantaged in any way should you withdraw or without that consent. These are vitally important human rights which people have fought and died for. Ask @Thomas_Brady , heā€™s an historian.
What the fuck is wrong with people?


WTF are you on about?


There is no need to get kids vaccinated unless they have underlying issue. Covid has little to no effect on kids. We wont be vaccinating our 6 year old when there is no need. She had covid and it was nothing more than a head cold for a couple of days and as normal she recovered quickly and was back to herself in no time.


Does your Mrs tell you to get to the front of the queue at the airports while she sits down?