You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others.

You’d want your head examined taking a booster. Young healthy people taking it are disgraceful


Even worse are those taking under 12’s who don’t have any underlying conditions to get it.


It’s done.
Just lock the thread and we can talk hurling instead.


The welsh more or less dropping all outdoor restrictions and limits on attendance to matches from January 21st.
If we go down the same route, Wexford will be packed to the rafters for the opening round of the league


Listen guys, can doubly vaccinated or boosted people please quit looking for membership to the awkward squad,

It’s an entirely sensible approach in January 2022 to be cool about further boosterisation, little reason to have kids vaccinated at the moment either.
You are NOT awkward squad


Your human rights. Don’t you have to give your free and informed consent before they’ll give you your injection?

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I wants me Hugh man riots!

It’sall goingarse about face. Just a few months lads were applauding Starbucks for barring entry to their paperless kids, now they’re cool about not vaccinating kids?
I honestly don’t know what to think.


Wow, who were these people that were applauding Starbucks for refusing entry to their paperless kids? That’s mental.

I’ve just purchased tickets to a gig early February. Tony and egg head better not have me headbanging at 5PM like a fucking schoolchild

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Hopefully the masks are done


They’re recommending the medical standard masks this week. 18 months too late.

Those cloth masks were the greatest cod throughout this pandemic.

To think that we as a country jailed a grandmother below in Cork for not wearing one is even more baffling.

No previous convictions. She was jailed on her own convictions.


Vaccines are awesome

never a truer word, always let them think they that they are ahead…
that’s a tricky poker move tho, thankfully she hasnt mentioned about getting the kids vaccinated yet… the mood on the first class whatssapp group anyway seems totally against it with Lyudmilla et al saying its a government conspiracy…they’re more into winning those battles to be honest i think as they all start turning on each other usually … ive gone way off topic but yeah… very few if any kids are getting it AFAIK

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In RDS today they had an appointment and queue (cc @mikehunt ) took two hours.

Sure I’ve been saying for 18 months the cloth and blue masks are a cod. Ffp2 or n95 or better will work


And the country littered with them.


All types of face masks have been found to reduce the spread of Covid, until Omicron anyway

A cloth mask does not prevent transmission. Omicron, delta etc etc were all airborne.

Mask mandates are purely for show.