You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Some of ye couldn’t be told.

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its fucking sick giving that shit to kids


Omicron spreads the same as any prior variant, you just need less exposure time to get infected. Cloth masks have about 70% leakage of the size particles we are talking about so effectively useless. A cloth mask increases the time taken to get infected from 15 to 20 minutes if you are next to someone who is contagious or in an indoor space with the virus in the air. Surgical masks aren’t much better, you might get 30 minutes, but as we saw with health care workers in high risk environments they got infected.

N95 type masks are the only effective protection, especially if fitted properly, many hours compared to 15-20 minutes.


@the_man_himself would have happily escorted her to the stocks because she didn’t wear a cloth mask that may (it won’t) increase her protection time from 15mins to 20mins.


There seems to be very conflicting studies online on how successful they are at reducing the risk.

Do you have a link to whatever your source is there?

15 to 27 minutes is a decent increase in fairness if neither is wearing any mask vs. if both are wearing a cloth mask.

They’re certainly not useless for general use based on that as a lot of people would have you believe.


The same people who were saying it was up to their kids to decide if they wanted to get vaccinated or not but who are now saying there’s no need to get their kids vaccinated

But the virus is airborne and lingers so if you are in a space with virus in the air the increase is 15 to 20 min. That was also before Omicron. Cloth masks are arguably worse than useless as they give a false sense of security. Why do you think the CDC are recommending N95 masks?


That seems like something that would have been mentioned on that page if it were the case as it would render the 27 minutes thing pointless.

Maybe at the start of the pandemic but I don’t think anyone would act any differently if they weren’t wearing a mask for the last year at least

I said that myself

Why would they recommend a mask that gives hours of protection over one that gives half an hour protection? Is it not completely obvious? It still doesn’t make cloth masks useless


On why they might not have recommended better masks that actually work is probably Down to supply. This was the main driver for not recommending masks for months into covid. I had the joy of sourcing ffp2 masks at the start of covid as they were a critical safety item for the place I was working and were in use for years. Between staff taking them home and shortages worldwide it was a nightmare, we would have shut over it, no joke. Tested plenty of brands, fit tests for air tightness which is required by law. Chinese ones were a pile of shite as you can guess. I managed to get in 8 weeks stock at 4 times the price before I fucked off but it was down to bare bones

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They have only recently recommended N95. The 15 versus 20 min is on the chart, 27 minutes if both are masked, 20 min if one masked. That’s for the specific case of one infected person near an uninfected person, but in the case where the virus is in the air anyone there can get infected, 15 min with no mask 20 min with cloth mask. With Omicron those times are much shorter as it takes less exposure to get infected.

The main point is that cloth and surgical masks do not stop transmission if you are indoors for 20 min with the virus in the air.


@manhimself has been distributing covid propaganda for the past 12 months because he’s a simpleton


When you look back some incredible volte-face and mental gymnastics


Agreed, maybe @the_man_himself should have spent less time on the Eerste Divise and aquainting himself with facts of covid

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You see no difference between a 15 year old and an 8 year old?
You don’t think omnicron has shifted the debate in any way.

You’ve come back as petty as you left

You’ve destroyed him there. He will start his Neymar rolling over the floor impression shortly.

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I’ve no idea what you’re talking about there? And I’m not sure what difference omicron makes to kids…does it make their mild illness even milder while while shifting decisions about their vaccination from them to their parents? It’s a bit of a conundrum alright.
And sorry for being petty! I’ll get back in line and await further instructions while trying not to voice bemusement at the pivoting and the ironing


You don’t? Really. See any difference between a 15 year old and an 8 year old as regards decision making on a topic like this? That’s strange.

The inner teacher really come out in Mary Poppins here, how dare be be questioned. He could just come out and admit he got it wrong and that would be it but the Fascists seem unwilling to accept their past views and intolerance.


Was @glenshane missing?

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