You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

You’ve broken my heart

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I love you bro

injecting healthy children with a vaccine to “protect” them against something that is zero risk, whilst vulnerable people in poor countries get nothing, its sick and disgusting


It’s child abuse is what it is.

I do find myself nodding in agreement with this.


I’m surprised at somebody who is normally very sensible thinking Covid is zero risk.

You win this time @BruidheanChaorthainn, you win. Crèche will be closed for Monday at least and possibly for longer due to some Covid cases. The rules changed a while back and kids and staff can still attend/work, even if they’re close contacts, as long as they have no symptoms. But the kicker is the staff must be boosted for this new rule to apply. And you guessed it, some of the staff aren’t boosted and so they don’t have enough staff to open. We either need to totally forget about Covid and just move on or forcibly vaccinate everyone - I don’t really care which but we can’t keep shutting down crèches. Especially if that means I’ll now have to work on Monday night when Celtic are playing after minding the kids all day.


I’m not really a bad person despite what everybody thinks. It was a flippant comment I didn’t really mean and I hope your not too inconvenienced.

This the home stretch of covid thankfully. Like the last 60 minutes of last years hurling all Ireland. It’ll drag on but we all know it’s over.


I see no point in vaccinating my two at this stage. I also agree that we need to be pumping resources into vaccinating developing countries.


I partly agree, but many people have been brainwashed and gaslit (?) by a relentless media and government campaign, so I feel some sympathy for them. Others have deliberately turned away from logic and morality, preferring instead to virtue signal or take the path of least resistance. These people should be hunted down and stuck.
The doctors and scientists who pushed the injection on children should be jailed. Vile scum who sold their souls for profit.


Like my own @fenwaypark They’ve probably already had it and even if they haven’t it poses very little risk to them.

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This is the considered and sensible approach


Those vaccines they are giving kids should be sent to developing countries, there was no need for boosters for healthy people under 60 either, it was absolutely disgraceful carryon


Do you think developing countries are clamouring for vaccines?

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I don’t know is honest answer but they should be there for anyone who wants them

I’m surprised that you agreed with a comment that said there is zero risk from Covid. I honestly can’t get my head around that sort of mindset.

Wtf do you know either?

I never said there is zero risk. But the risk to children is very small vs the unknowns of long term effects of vaccines on children.

In my own school of 700 plus students, not one student has had any serious illness from any variant. With new variant being milder than previous versions, I dont see the need to vaccinate my girls.