You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Time to admit defeat.

You Lose Game Over GIF by Universal Music Africa

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Have you got the Lag yet?


This thing never got me yet, anyone else?

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The Pfizraelis are destroying their immune systems

No wonder the lefties are pro lockdown

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Luke O’Neill on Twitter: “Pandemic endgame now in sight from @tomaspueyo ‘Governments: now is the time to build trust. Put a date at which, all measures will be stopped. Continue vaccination campaigns and making it easy to buy masks or rapid antigen tests.’” / Twitter

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End this forced vaccine regime.

Give us our liberty back.

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Amazing how quick the wheels can turn. Six weeks ago the dooms day merchants were getting hot and bothered over omicrononavent and looking to destroy the country. Fair enough they ruined another Christmas but at least we are finally at the end.

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Everyone could do with a bout of Omicron to give their immune system a bit of sparring and keep it sharp.

Shoving monkey semen into yourself via a syringe is deranged behaviour.

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TFK were miles ahead of the curve as usual and christened it ‘Omnicod’ long before the general public woke up to it.


Soon most of the politicians, journalists and scientists will find that they’ve milked every last million out of public gullibility. A few will fight on in various pandemic preparation scams, continuing the folly of the last two years and covering their eyes and ears to the logic offered by places that genuinely followed the science from the start.
Soon it’ll be the turn of the legal profession to step up to skim off billions; there’ll be hapes of inquiries, accusations, totting up ofneedless deaths, the seeding of care homes, the denial of treatment, wasted funds, collateral damage etc. It’ll run for years and the final bill won’t be settled for at least half a century



The likes of Doxxer are really woke centre right neo liberals. Someone who thinks Bill Clinton and Barrack Obama were great politicians when they were really just capitalist pigs, one of whom was a sexual predator. They like to attach themselves to causes that they really care little about, it’s merely a bout of flag waving, “look at me - I care and campaign for others” but it’s all completely hollow when it comes to the crunch.

They are as far removed from genuine left wing politicians and campaigners as you can find.

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TFK were 18 months ahead of the curve. They said we were done with Covid in summer 2020. Finally they’re right.


Its fizzled out.


The schools reopening was a serious D Day/turning point. If they had stayed closed we were fucked for ages


Those who have tried to politicise vaccines and those who have exercised their own choice not to get it.

Do they have anything to say on the below?

Are we pressurising people to conform with things that offer little benefit and in extremely rare cases can cause this? It will certainly make uncomfortable reading for the vaccine fascists.

Have more children died of Covid 19 or as a result of an adverse reaction to the vaccine?

Thank goodness for the wonderful scientists and the vaccines have brought us to the point where we’re on the verge of ending all restrictions.