You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

In Septemberā€¦




Can we all regardless of personal opinions express our condolences to all the families of those who lost loved ones throughout the Pandemic.



Sometimes I almost envy such innocence and simplicity

Orla will have a go at him now.

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Theyā€™ve gone to ground by the looks of it.A few rebrands on they way.

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You steamer.

In Portugal 3 children have died of Covid since the start of the pandemic, in around 2 years thereā€™s been 3 deaths of children who tested positive for Covid.

Portugal started vaccinating kids on the 18th December, so within one month thereā€™s already one suspected death.

Youā€™re the vaccine zealot or at least you were, you should tell me what you think of that.

So what youā€™re wanting to know is have more people died within 2 years of something than have died within 1 month of something? Can you see the stupidity of your logic? My question would be why would you countenance taking a vaccine against something that is of minimal threat to you? The vaccine does zero to quell the spread of Covid, we see what has happened over the winter period and we can see that is a cast iron fact.

Are you man enough to address the points?

If youā€™re a fit and healthy person under the age of 40, a vaccine is of negligible value. If people want it, please themselves but if they donā€™t it makes no difference.

I know weā€™ve all been conditioned to expect the worst, but the reopening is going to come very fast. Pub openings pushed out to midnight this week or next and full openings and nightclubs back very shortly after Iā€™d say. Restrictions on crowds will shift in time for six nations if not earlier. Normality in February I hope/expect.

There isnā€™t anyone advocating for slow reopening or ā€œcautious and conservativeā€ this time, and the zero covid nuts have been binned. The return to normal is going to come as snap rather than gradual change. Itā€™s great. Iā€™m delighted.

Hopefully they do keep the vaccine pass in place though as theyā€™re a great way of excluding far-right/awkward squad/fundamentalists/smelly people from public spaces.


Reduced to writing letters to the paper telling us how great China is.


I donā€™t have a strong opinion on vaccinating kids for Covid 19. I never have.

Iā€™m merely asking the question are kids more likely to die of Covid 19 or due to an adverse reaction to the vaccine

What % of vaccine uptake are we at amongst the 5-11 year olds in this country and is this cohort more or less near end of its roll out?

End of March Iā€™d say. I wonder how long mask mandates will remain. Once they go itā€™s done.

It is expected that the National Public Health Emergency Team (NPHET) will make a wide range of recommendations on the easing of restrictions when it meets on Thursday.

Some of these are set to include changes to the 8pm closing time for bars and restaurants, along with an increase in the number of people allowed to attend both indoor and outdoor events.

Early indications suggest that a new closing time for bars, restaurants and cultural venues could be set at midnight from the end of this month or in early February.

A further easing of restrictions would then take place at a later date when the requirement on premises would possibly be scaled back to just checking Covid passes.

More people could also be allowed to attend weddings soon, while a gradual return to the workplace might get under way at some point next month.

There are also suggestions that outdoor sports venues could return to full capacity.

While no decision has been made yet about when Government might sign-off on any planned changes, many within its ranks believe it could happen as early as Friday.

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Problem with this cohort is so many have had Covid in recent weeks that coincided with their vaccine time so it will likely be drawn out. But it will certainly be a significantly lower uptake.

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There is no justification for vaccine certs anymore


Can you stop point scoring on the deaths of kids please.

You OK buddy? I sense a deep sadness
(I love you too btw)

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Anyone pushing vaccines from this point should be up in front of Den Haag as a war criminal.

Heā€™ll teach them how to play football alright.