You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Dry January and that. Happy enough to stay in tbh

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The pubs will be the new Bewley’s. Nice to have open but it’s not as if people will bother going to them.

One for the TNH thread. This lad couldn’t have any friends.


The jig is up Brady. NFL season finishing up shortly and drinking wanky beer at home socially frowned upon again.

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I was doing it long before covid and I’ll continue doing it long after. Bar a pub crawl in Limerick and a trip to @Lazarus … I’ll keep to myself while swilling Urchin’s Scotum IPA et al.


Theres no point in celebrating and beating down LIDTF folks as, we expected the restrictions were going to end at some point so you could always claimed to have been right or win which is very disingenuous. We need to come together collectively and reflect on what was right and wrong on both sides and learn from it. All political partys will come out swinging claiming they wanted to open. SF even campaigned zero covid fior a while.

Cunts the lot of them


I’ll hold my hands up and accept that garlic is antibacterial and not antiviral…I’ll also admit that even I didn’t think they’d try and push for vaccines every six weeks.
I’ll give myself a solid 99.03% …which is ironic because…nevermind

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Paddy likes to boast and embellish stories … the pub will always be needed …billy big bollox needs a stage .

WhatsApp* is the new pub.

*I’ve never used it.

Dunphy has given a full episode of his podcast for an interview to Gina of Hugo’s :rofl: :rofl:

“The Story of Hugo’s”


Dunphy looking for his hole obviously.

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He should have Tomas Ryan on debating with Gina from Hugo’s.



No mention of the masks in schools?? (Or anywhere)

Niall Boylan 5 Sid 0


Christ almighty

I think they’re keeping the masks in schools until the 28th February. Will be looked at again then.

They should be abandoned immediately by right.


I’m crying.


Could have been Paul Treyvaud, which would have been even worse.

“You look at the greats, the Ruby Walshes and the Johnny Murtaghs, the Henry Shefflins and the Rory McIlroys, the Brian O’Driscolls and the Gina Murphys, they find it when it no one else can find it…”