You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite



Celtic Tiger II must be on the way

We hit a record 36000 cases today. Mr Omicron is working his way through the population. Expecting 60000 a day next week. Government reduced the quarantine period from ten to seven days however. 80% of deaths are unvaccinated.


You must be Teflon survived Houlas in October and January

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What percentage of the population are unvaccinated? A fair chunk of the unvacced here are Eastern European seemingly

Of course they are. Sure the vaccine only came into play after a year of Covid, meaning every single death in 2020 would be recorded as unvaccinated.

It’s easy to manipulate stats to mislead people. In deaths since October, what % were unvaccinated?


Says here 75%+ in recent wave of deaths unvaccinated

Governments have been caught lying on this previously.

Up north they said that it was all unvaccinated people dying but when the data was released it actually proved that in the recent periods, a higher % of vaccinated people who died than was the % of vaccinated population. I have covered this before.

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You have covered it before mate. It was a glorious disconnection from reality. ‘These are my facts sir, if you don’t like them I have others…’



Nope you will find these are state spokespeople coming out and blatantly lying to the public and being exposed when official data comes out at a later date.


“We know that vaccination does not provide 100 per cent protection of 100 per cent of people. We also know that the risk of hospitalisation and death from Covid is much higher in older age groups,” he said.

“There will sadly continue to be some older people who will lose their lives to the virus, despite being doubly vaccinated. We can all help to reduce the risk of this happening by doing everything we can to stop Covid spreading.

He emphasised that “the benefits of vaccination are clear and unequivocal” with “the numbers of unvaccinated people dying or needing hospital care significantly out of proportion to the numbers of unvaccinated people in the overall population”.


So we have:

Vaccinated deaths 75% vs vaccinated population 67%
Vaccinated hospital admissions 68% vs vaccinated population 67%

We have constantly have had gov officials and health officials trying to point at the unvaccinated and vilify them when the two key factors are age and health, not your vaccination status. When look at the data there, it’s clear to see - more than double the deaths in fully vaxxed over 80s than unvaccinated as a whole.

The crisis has been about inadequate health services from the very start.

I’ve made my point, substantiated it but this type of stuff doesn’t get engagement from the likes of you as it intimidates you having to make an intelligent point.

I await your usual petulant, glib reply when you once again have been routinely shown to have ideas about your intellect way above your actual output. If only you had intelligence to match your arrogance.

Just keep swallowing everything you’re told, good little dummy.


The Dunphy pivot.

Eamon can go fuck himself.


“I don’t like your facts so I have made up others”.


I was down in the fishmongers there. They had a blow torch out to try to take the yellow social distance tape off the stone floor. Not an easy job.


The lads running the yellow sticker factories are throwing themselves off a cliff

Surely melting plastic into stone is the ‘go to’ move here?

Id say people will keep queuing up spread out a bit in shops forever now will they? Can’t see people going back to standing right up on top of each other again virus or not. The end of the masks will be the biggest day to day change when it comes nothing that comes in today will change our daily lives really. My son in junior infants has never seen his teachers face which is quite sad when you think about the relationship kids have with their teacher at that age.


How can you die of a cod?

Fellas not standing up your hole breathing on your neck would be one thing I’d be happy to keep from the whole thing.

That and working from couch