You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Its very gratifying if you can muster a silent fart in these situations.

I never recovered from seeing some of my teachers faces. I still have the odd nightmare about Miss Sexton.

Fairly sure I saw him outside the Gingerman last night with a gaggle of admirers.


There’ll be bras and jocks discarded like helmets after a war this weekend.

Godspeed to all the tfk young lads and single lads @Copper_pipe


Sounds like the plot of Outbreak (1995)

A Pandemic of Bureaucracy


We thought we had it bad, New Zealand’s latest plan has household Covid contacts isolating for 24 days.

Was that the one with Bruce Willis? Great movie

Right, back under the bed again I suppose

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12 year old nephew went to hospital Friday night, suspected appendicitis. Turns out it was covid. There’s a lot of kids turning up around his age with the same symptoms. Covid is stretching the lymph nodes in that region apparently. A high temp and some discomfort on his side the worst of out.

Was he vaccinated? To think there’s people out there that haven’t allowed their children vaccinated. Tusla should have them locked up.

Or maybe tusla should be taking him if he was vaccinated?

The anti-vaccine community are losing their brightest and best.


I never asked.

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Vaccinations still going strongly. Masks still being worn. Isolation still happening. Vaccine certs required for travel… Yet all the lads who spent 2 solid years banging their keyboards giving out about everything and anything have all gone quiet…

Pubs have gone back to normal hours tho and the non vaxxed can now drink away… Therein answers my question I suppose. It was never about a cod, about a vaccine, about citizen rights being eroded, about domestic abuse or suicides … It was just so lads could have pints.

Only halfwits are bothering with masks, isolation and vaccinations. I’ll sort out the foreign travel business as soon as I’ve had a few pints.

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whats tusla?