You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

If the Russians read any more of this type of thing we’re fucked.

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Are people still getting tested for this ?

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Schools seems rife with it still

Little stealth bomber fuckers shure :man_shrugging:t2:

You’d imagine they’re all nearly done at this stage

None and done


Schools are absolutely riddled

Are people still on about this shite?

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Withering! How long do symptoms usually take to show up from the time you with a positive case?

Any difficulty breathing?

I hear there might be a deadly new variant on the loose

No presuming I’ll carry on untill I can’t

Covid is over, its WW3 and inflation now


Covid got cancelled


Myself and the eldest got accosted for mask wear in the cinema lobby there. We’re not there yet.

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Masks looked to be on the way out but now likely to be kept due to push back from retail teacher transport unions?
It’s literally the last big battle ground. Once theyre gone its all over as a major issue that affects all society.

All the lies and propaganda rte spread for the last two years Is really backfiring on them now as people are afraid to go back to their normal lives.


As things stand now the schools are absolutely riddled with Covid, not a huge problem for the kids but a massive headache for school management and people who need to stay home to look after the kids and pick it up themselves etc with all the related problems. Masks obviously provide some small level of protection, teachers in my experience aren’t bullish about them but you’ll have a few obviously. I suspect they’ll have to put up with them for a while longer.
I had a chuckle at these lunatics yesterday :grinning:

Do you reckon they won’t get rid of them today?

I can’t believe there haven’t been clear stats provided to prove the efficacy of masks one way or the other in schools. Either look at the rate in 2nd class v 3rd class since they were brought in or in primary v secondary since the start. Literally ready made control groups in Ireland.
Its yet another example of the lack of transparency in this whole thing.


I know of someone, not in the Limerick area, who stands outside their childs secondary school every morning with anti mask banners. Imagine how fucking embarrassing that would be for the child.