You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Bring back the masks, this is madness

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Has anyone looked up how many actual cases were notified in relation to population?

Could it be that due to the population size it has run through and larger countries have a good way to go yet?

1.3m cases or thereabouts notified in a population of 5m. In reality its probably greater than that by an order of magnitude. I think the virus would spread in the same proportion irrespective of size but you are right the virus has run through the country at this stage. Another benefit of being a small country is that we have one coordinated approach and there is probably greater flexibility in pivoting than what you might see in America, Germany, Australia or Canada where the response has been decentralised.

12 out with it from daughters class of 28 this week. Madness to hear 2 of the girls sheā€™s pally with are not only self-isolating but are isolated to their rooms, no interaction with their own family within the home, dinner left at bedroom etc for 10 days.

I canā€™t follow some peopleā€™s thinking.


The UK has dropped the self isolation rules? Or are about to?

Iā€™m in the incredible position of not knowingly having had it yet. Iā€™ll be doing by best to hold off until the 7 day stuff is dropped.


Iā€™m very worried Iā€™m gonna miss the free two weeks off here. Iā€™ve worked in a crowded environment for the past two years, encountered way more people than most, dealt with some people that had to be locked up they were so dangerously infective, and I still havenā€™t got COVID.

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Iā€™m in Ireland. If child unvaccinated, still a crazy isolation period expected

Youā€™ve had it. Trust me.

Youā€™ve definitely had it. Probably started a new variant actually.


That sounds quite sinister

Message delivered so.


Thereā€™s a lot about this virus we still donā€™t understand

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We can thank Boris for our freedoms to be fair to him.Only for the mainland saying this is only a cod weā€™d still be in lockdown.


What age? Fuckin madness.
Most folk I know in the same situation just ensured they didnā€™t use same plates etc. Sat on different sofas

Wtf? Thatā€™s madness. What age? Only time I heard of that sort of craziness was @Little_Lord_Fauntleroyā€™s mate. Make of that what you will.

You canā€™t be too careful.

Or stay the course with the child as opposed to ostracising them.

Plenty of families I know in the same position carried on as normal, if the rest got it they did the isolation, if they didnā€™t they carried on.

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12, 6th class

I know, thought that carry on long past by now but seems not the case with some.

I see Neil Young is back on Spotify

Keep on rocking in the free world Neil