You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

People following the guidelines to the absolute letter. Some folk just wired like that. Common sense goes out the window

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Why do you think there has been such a massive change in approach from Holohan etc? From one of the most cautious approaches to one of the least. There must be some reason for it. It would be absolutely no skin off his nose to retain stuff like this when that’s been the gist of his approach all along and so many people would still agree with it.
A fella who was at the Liverpool game during week was telling me Italy are still very strict on masks etc.

One example… There has been rigorous enforcement of masks in schools at age 9 and above and the place is still riddled with covid. So in summary… They aren’t worth a fuck?

What did people expect from little cloth maskeens? All it has led to is an escalation in eczema, dry eye issues and a profound impact on kids with hearing difficulties.


Presume masks in hospitals is a thing forever now? Probably not a bad idea either. If people stop wearing them everywhere else they should have enough in hospitals to give the good ones to people when they come in


If they’re not going to supply them to the public then they may as well scrap the notion.

Masks are not entirely useless.

You can do nothing or you can try to do something, they’ve reacted to what was in front of them all along, now we are dealing with a weak virus and a huge percentage of the population either vaccinated or immunised, common sense prevails, though I’m surprised with the speed of it.
Holohan and NPHET, we’re given a job, they’ve no interest in hanging around,

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(K)N95 are effective of course if fitted correctly but you have to weigh up the risks of wearing them vs not wearing them in the setting that your enforcing it.

So I assume NPHET have weighted it all up and said move on lads.

Holohan won’t give up power easily. I can see him taking over the four courts or something

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Even the worst cloth masks are not completely useless so long as they’re worn properly.
I never believed children should have had to wear them and I’ve never asked a child to put one on, my principal never said a word when he arrived into my class and they were mostly bare faced.
But as I said, if you’re NPHET you can do nothing or w you can try whatever is available to you.
I don’t believe that people working with children with hearing difficulties made things difficult for them, if that’s true it’s a disgrace. Where did you hear that? I’m not saying your a liar, I never heard about it.

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There’s absolutely no other conclusion but that they have decided the virus is more or less statistically no more danger to people than any other viruses that have always been in circulation and that weve never had restrictions for. Maybe they are wrong but that is obviously what they’ve decided.

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Its an indirect consequence of mask wearing… Friends of ours have a daughter who would rely quite a bit of the lip reading and facial expressions due to a hearing issue but when everyone is wearing masks then… She regresses. Tricky in certain settings with autistic kids too from what I hear (not an expert) where facial expression can be hugely important in communicating.


I haven’t heard of anything like that but I do see your point, up to the individual school I suppose but that’s disappointing.
Autism is so unique to the individual as to make it very difficult to generalise, but again, your point is well made.
I’d say masks in schools was a difficult decision to make, at the time we were in a precarious position, omnicron was a gift from God.
The main focus as regards education was keeping schools open

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A lot of bad news stories coming down the line about the way nursing homes were handled and things like that.

If they started appearing in the papers while we were in lockdown it would be much worse.

At the moment there’s a party atmosphere and most people just want to draw a line on it and move on.

I guess they are trying to create goodwill.

Why in the name of Jesus would anyone listen to Eddie Hobbs. Its actually ridiculous that he is still acting as a financial advisor, nevermind him having an opinion of medical stuff


RTÉ put him out on the telly the other night to have a cut at Sinn Fein.


Sure look it we have had experts as qualified as hobbs give their opinion for the last 2 years. Leave someone who has made massive fuck ups ask questions. Plus cark madness, what could go wrong