You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

I was in supervalu today, all the middle aged women still wearing masks.

And they should continue to do so.

Id say the the majority of people in Dundrum shopping centre are without masks today

Unless there are some Designer Masks on sale for ā‚¬100.

BT in particular practically had a zero mask ratio

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The liberation is savage lads, off the chartsā€¦ At a junket conference and its full rooms and not a sign of a yellow sign or a face nappy.


Not a peep out of RTE about Covid now

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Not much about the cost of living crisis these days either

Complaining about paying too much for an apartment seems facile in the teeth of apartment blocks being levelled by cruise missiles.

Even Orla Hegarty has been off Twitter for two weeks :astonished:

which is the better crisis? covid or Russia V Ukraine?

Installing HEPA filters over in Ukraine.

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Boys who hid under the bed for two years afraid of a cold now calling for all out nuclear war, you couldnā€™t actually make it up


As Kev would have said

You just donā€™t Armageddon it pal.

Itā€™s unrale.You just couldnā€™t make it up.They are the ultimate WUMs.You have to give them credit.

Waiting for the next variant and hoping it doesnā€™t come out during the Ukraine crisis.

Some interesting data released under duress from Pfizer. Nicely buried with the Ukraine stuff.


Iā€™ve had Covid since Sunday,
Feeling a good bit better today and Iā€™d say Iā€™ll be pretty much over it by tomorrow night,
I donā€™t know if Iā€™ve ever had a flu, had a few colds on my time,
Iā€™d say this is the sickest I can ever remember being besides really bad hangovers, but no big deal really even saying that, Iā€™ve been up and about, doing stuff for work etc, Iā€™m not the type to lie in bed, went for a good long walk every day.
But an eye opener, I thought it would be a thing of nothing for me.
Grand to have it over with though.
I assumed most have had it now??


The oul run didnā€™t help you I reckon most that I know that got Omicron including myself post the booster around our age wouldnā€™t have taken much notice of it pre Covid. Anyway myself and the missus are off to Lanzarote again on Saturday sheā€™s a bit more jittery about travelling as she had Alpha or Beta or whatever it was called back in December 2020 and is convinced sheā€™s in line to get it again.

Iā€™ve not had it yet. Couple of friends had it over last week or two and were sick enough with it - really bad sore throats and very high temperatures.

I had the flu once. Maybe 30 years ago. I still remember how sick I was with that - literally unable to get out of bed and sheets needed to be changed a few times with the sweats.

I was in a shopping centre earlier and Iā€™d say mask wearing was down to about 30 per cent or so