You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

This guy has fully left the reservation.

They did keep the bars and restaurants largely free of awkward squad members though, you’d have to give them credit for that.

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Thoughts and prayers etc,
We might get a day off if he croaked

Passenger locator forms and Covid tests at the border will be gone in a week


Ye’d better put an order in for more stock.

He’ll knock out an oul’ burst of “poetry” while he’s taking a break from atin’ with his peers.
An ode to Covid has a melodic ring to it…so it has. On a serious note I’d say he’d want to mind himself.


It took a real devious contrarian witty bastard to come up with that one.


Fuck sake.

Were you rushing out to get the first print of the Indo?

Certainly not, mate.

The parents would not even have it on the coffee table it’s gone so bad.


:joy::joy: Jesus some lads are gullible


Gone tonight

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Are there any vestiges of the Covid Empire left in Ireland now?

Masks, it appears to me.
I got out for the first time today in a crowd, went into town, a few shops and markets,
An awful lot of people are still wearing the masks.
I was zooming my class during the week and a few of them are still wearing masks as well, which is a surprise to me.

But it’s going well, the doomsayers of TFK got it badly wrong

Yeah but I meant more rules. I can’t believe the amount that are still wearing masks. The absolutely miniscule difference they must make against a virus that the public health authorities have clearly decided has such a miniscule chance of causing you any harm if you’re fully vaccinated. :person_shrugging:t2: as the fella says
TFK has been completely out of step with the public mood all along. Although an awful lot of people I know have been too in fairness, including myself.

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You’d certainly hope so

February 26th: 583
March 6th: 751

Zealous border controls incompatible with refugee crisis.

What a shock.