You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

I didnt realise this was a thing. Someone asked me how long was I testing positive after I got it, being surprised a family member was onto day 10. I did my test, was positive, and stayed in isolation for 2 weeks, which ended up being longer anyway, but still. not sure of the need to keep testing.

@carryharry needs the pics to put up on Facebook.

Throw in the fact that Dublin footballers are gone to shit and you’d wonder how Ewan is going to cope. He’ll be like Napoleon on Elba.

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He posted this one up yesterday telling everyone he is still positive


Oh how the mighty have fallen :joy:

You think thats a positive test? And you did 2 weeks in isolation because of it? Thats some ramming up the hole you got mate, thats a negative test.


not me bud, Harry

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Hes look to be outraged at people being outraged. He has had a strange opinion on Ukraine also. Dublin doing poorly has ruined him

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Here getting a shop and the vast majority of customers and staff are wearing masks.

They all have covid


How badly do the TFK hipsters want one of them.

Wait til Graham Dwyer sees this.


Covid emergency powers are being allowed to lapse according to Micheal Martin. And thats the ballgame folks.


The sound you hear is Gerry Killeen screaming into the beyond over in Africa.


TFK had this read badly wrong :man_shrugging:


Yep. Has to be absolutely impossible for them ever ever ever ever ever to reinstate them.



I feel worse after this fucking thing than I did during it.

I’m fine, was never that sick with it but 5 weeks later my fitness is still in the toilet, heart is fine but the legs won’t do it