You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Sinuses fucked as well

You lads should probably have taken the vaccine


:smiley: :smiley:

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Those tyrone lads werenā€™t so slow

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They were dead right sure.

Signing in.

Initial symptoms: Back and abdominal ache. General under the weatherness. That was Sunday.

Monday and Tuesday saw persistent dry coughing and a frog in the throat.

Current symptoms: mild cold like. Runny nose, intermittent sneezing and coughing. Dull, persistent pain in the head - a bit like the posts of the awkward squad here.

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Mind yourself buddy

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The 4th vaccine , is that the answer pal?

I think I had the aul covid 6 weeks ago. I 100% did , I would never bother doing a test for it. It was a very mild illness.

I must have lost the run of myself when I was allowed to socialise by Nphet etc again properly.


Same. Trying to do little 3-5km runs most days but finding thatā€™s all I can manage. Iā€™m Week 3 and similar aged lads have told me they struggled for 6-8 weeks after.

Man up ffs , & cc @backinatracksuit

Ye have natural immunity now. Ye are survivors.

There are second generation vaccines coming down the tracks by the end of the year and I expect weā€™ll all be going for them when they arrive, at least all of us with functioning brains.

This bugger will continue to mutate and will continue to pose serious problems.

I think it definitely should be introduced but in a very much optional way akin to the flu jab that we hav seen offered for years.

Iā€™ve zero issue with that at all. People who feel they need to be protected should do so - thatā€™s absolutely fine.

Everyone else should be allowed to go about their business too though.


PBH is an ardent mask wearer (according to himself) and has been riddled for a 4th time apparently. Wonder are some people just more susceptible to picking it up than others?

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2 positive antigens in our house yet two others in constant contact with us are clear so far. 2 weeks now.

Must be some genetically based infection or immunity?

I canā€™t think of any possible reason theyā€™re not bringing back masks bar ā€˜its all a codā€™ ie statistically harmless or masks are a waste of time. They wonā€™t admit that though. Thereā€™s no other real rational explanation. It would cost no money and most people would probably just wear them again.

let it go ffs


I find it fascinating (to watch)

Its the lads saying ā€œI got covid, jaysus it knocked me so it didā€. Relax lads, you had 2 bad days and you moved on with your lives.

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what is wrong with some people?? that Claire Byrne clip today doing the rounds, badgering mehole to bring back restrictions over something even milder than a headcold, fucking wankers


Itā€™s fascinating to watch our resident weirdo resume his long standing campaign after a short hiatus :grinning:

Iā€™m the puppet master

As he says himself, isnā€™t it better to do it here than in real life :man_shrugging: :joy: