You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Mehole sitting there having to hold back the laughter, as Byrrne tried to make out it was the Black death. He Had it himself 2 weeks ago and had to sit twiddling his thumbs for a week with nothing wrong with him, He knows its a cod, didnā€™t varadkar have it too last week? Mask wearing has become the ultimate virtue signalling for the likes of Claire Byrne

Youā€™d wonder what skin Byrne has in the game at this stage

Thatā€™s enough of that auld shite now lads

Some of us here were saying that 18 months ago. Its good to see a bit of sense taking hold all the same.

Imagine rolling up your sleeve three times and still catching it a 4th time.

Weak minded cunts.


Claire Byrne will be gutted.

Jesus mate, thatā€™s a bit of a serious threat on her

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Claire is a serious presenterā€¦


Mattie McGrath was giving Micheal martin grief about this earlier. Are we sure itā€™s not just a normal secondment where TCD are paying his wages but he is still an employee of the HSE.

A spokesperson said it will be "funded by the Dept of Health.ā€¦ under the same terms and conditions of his existing contract

Funded by the DoH which doesnā€™t make any sense.

All the mockery on here likening Tony to a clerical figure and in the finish he ends up getting moved to a different parish :grin:


Thatā€™s not how normal secondments work.

It Is likely that TCD are paying the DOH something for the use of their employee but itā€™s a strange arrangement alright given holding positions etc.

The question is whether trinners will be paying the DOH

Stevie D explained it all quite well on the radio this morning. Nothing to see here.

After two years of Sid screaming into the void for people to be locked up heā€™d have appreciated locked up Chinese people screaming into the abyss