You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Is this real?

They should be up in their attics researching culture wars through twitter.


You’d have to say the Chinese are living their own version of the Truman show. Maybe some day they’ll figure it out.

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Yer man talking over it sounds like a Chinese roaster.


Lockdowns work… Tune in next week to see these people jumping out their windows to their death


That sounds a bit like that burial stuff fagan and Malarkey listen to

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at least they won’t die from covid

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are the Chinese still going for zero covid? they are going to be at this craic for the next 250 years in that case

But they’ve absolutely won the argument.

A lovely social experiment. Lock them up, give them devices for boredom and curate the content to suit the desired outcome.

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But enough about TFK.


And yet, in a country of a million bajillion people, mostly living on top of each other in built up urban areas they haven’t had more than 2000 covid cases or ANY covid deaths per day in over two years. But they lock down tens of millions at a time. Just to be sure.

Truly remarkable. Literally unbelievable.


Its quite extraordinary

They don’t get half enough plaudits for it


Apparently there are very harsh penalties for anyone not wearing a mask while throwing themselves out the window


I’m sure they could waive the very harsh penalties in your case.

I’d say Tomas Ryan would have loved to be able to fly drones over Dublin

Resist your soul’s desire for freedom

If threatened by chinese invasion the Taiwanese lads should just let in to have a bit of a head cold.

Same old crew obsessed with Covid anyway :man_shrugging:

Just keep issuing high reports of cases and the Chinese will never invade

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