You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

There’s been a handful of posts on this thread in a week but what is happening in Shanghai is absolutely big news.

Patrolling drones relaying instructions to “control your soul’s desire for freedom” is peak sci-fi dystopia.

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It has huge ramifications

Same arguments even, except stupider. Mental.

This is what the headbangers on here wanted.


Its what they still want…though they’d prefer a nuclear war

It’s just a pity the Chinese people can’t put their government on ignore


The lads who lost are very angry.

They’ll have to improve the way they do their own research, go deeper.

He must spend 15 hours a day on here.

Battling for hearts and minds :joy::joy::joy:

It’s absolutely frightening what’s happening.

a good few on here wanted what they are doing in China


See you’re throwing about that threats of nuclear war make it okay to invade & destroy sovereign nations if dictators say so again :smile:

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I wonder what mcconkey thinks off this.

You have to laugh. All the furious lads here love dictators.

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It’s news alright but nobody here gives a shit, just an excuse for the usual suspects to spout the same old tired bullshit.

Putin & his loyal followers are the only mentalist continually mentioning nuclear war yet those supporting Ukraine are war mongers. :man_shrugging:

It’s funny how the loonies here haven’t yet acknowledged that anti-lockdownism, anti-vaxxerism, so called “freedom” convoys made up of fascists, all of which they supported, were all heavily pushed by Putin.

They were played. And now they’re embarrassed, so feel they have no option but to abandon shame and go with the entire menu of Putinism.

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You’ve a nawful time of it policing the forum. Claire byrne, covid etc…the usual suspects disappointing you constantly…would you not just draw up a list of rules for us?

The usual suspects never disappoint me, they just do exactly what you’d expect them to do :man_shrugging:
I do enjoy how much attention I get from you though :grinning: