You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Of course you do.

Dont forget Rory Mcilroy. Can we not all sit around an E Bonfire and sing Kumbya and melt some smores. I think @arthur was encroaching upon the devils advocate role carved out by Tracksuit and is eager to wrestle it back from the young upstart.

Twould be a shocking boring forum if you all just agreed with each other all day long :grinning:
There’s some awful sheep posting here who could do with a bit of backbone, TFKisms need calling out from somebody, I didn’t realise that @Arthur was a comrade :+1:

This is what will happen everywhere in the future.
We are very close to the end of cash. In the future all money will be centrally controlled by the government. All payments, both for individuals and businesses, will be going in your government provided bank account. All taxes, charges, fines etc will be deducted directly from it.

Jesus that sounds unrale! Talk about cutting down on hassle!

We got a taste of it a decade ago with the pension levy.

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Dee Forbes :eyes:

It’s tricky to get hands on cash in suburbia now without incurring prohibitive fees. A lot of bank branches are closing down. Even though your standard AIB/BOI/UB ATM withdrawal incurred a small current account fee or whatever, these branch ATMs are increasingly being replaced by these Euroconnex yokes or others like it. You go to withdraw €50 and a message appears onscreen saying you’ll be charged €3.99 for the privilege. An absolute disaster for anyone paying cash in hand to cleaners, handy women, babysitters or looking to tip delivery drivers.


It’s coming alright, how soon is debatable though

You better hope weed is legalised before then.

There’ll be restrictions on how you spend your money. Only x amount allowed for alcohol, fast food etc.

Dear leaders, please legalise weed for these reasons

My supplier won’t take cash as it is

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I was just asking questions

It’s obvious what you’re at here.

It’s a discussion forum. Not sure what your issue is with newsworthy stuff being discussed, you don’t have to pay attention if you don’t want to.

I have no problem with anything being discussed,
I was replying to you as you replied to me, my point being that ‘we’ weren’t discussing the situation in China at all, it’s just an excuse for more of the ‘Covid is a cod’ stuff being dragged up again

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They fucked them out of their houses so they could use the apartment block for quarantine apparently.



To be fair, being locked down with access to supplies wasn’t so bad

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People didn’t know how good they had it