You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Gabrielle Colleran is excellent on #brendan at the moment.

Rightly castigating western governments and corporations for protecting profit at the expense of vaccinating the world.

Did you see the good news earlier? I tagged you in it.

She shoulda kept her mouth shut so

Well there’s inaccuracies all over that for Laois alone.


There is no good news, you idiot.

Surely that this new variant isn’t as serious as first reported is good news?

There is no such news.

If you want to join half of the rest of this forum in fantasy land by all means do so but there’s a reason yis have consistently been so wrong throughout the pandemic, it’s because yis are totally media illiterate.

The level of seriousness or hopefully otherwise of this will take time to play out and the only sensible thing at the moment is to assume a worst case scenario.

From 2019. Presumably all these pre-2020 deaths were due to the Covid vaccines, even though they didn’t exist at the time.

Saying the South African variant is surely racist like the Indian variant or Chinese flu? But south African or English variant are not racist. A very socially aware virus no lees

Lock it down ta fuck. A full year of lockdown and the job is oxo

You’re sticking very rigidly to “in the country” but Israel controls and wants to inclde in a Greater Israel other territories. An that’s where the discrimation and apartheid comes in. Also didn’t Israel declare itself to be a Jewish state recently?

ERUSALEM — Israel passed a controversial new “nation-state law” last week that’s sparking both celebration and fierce debate over the very nature of Israel itself.

The law does three big things:

  1. It states that “the right to exercise national self-determination” in Israel is “unique to the Jewish people.”
  2. It establishes Hebrew as Israel’s official language, and downgrades Arabic — a language widely spoken by Arab Israelis — to a “special status.”
  3. It establishes “Jewish settlement as a national value” and mandates that the state “will labor to encourage and promote its establishment and development.”

That psycho wants thousands more to die in Ireland so that he can declare on the Internet that he was right and all yis were wrong. It would mean an awful lot to him, if that transpired.

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You asked for an example and I gave you the example of different treatment in front of the courts in Israel. Then you asked me where is the different treatment in front of the courts? Are you a bit of a daw? It’s in Israel. Whether I’ve been there or not has nothing to do with anything. Would my visiting south Africa make it any more or less of an apartheid state? You’d probably use the same line if you’d been living there.


They need to stay there permanently


Sure it’s home for a lot of them anyway.


That’ll put the kibosh on any city break Fluvio might have had planned.

They won’t be coming home so.

Sounds like we should be importing plane loads of South Africans to get this mild version of the virus as the dominant strain.