You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

ā€œCovid Reservoirsā€

Dam it

It was mentioned several times across the threads, paddy has a problem with drink.

Lock this fucking thread



The video below is gas in fairness. Literally what people were saying all along for the couple of years.


That fucking creep Gates should be in front of Court


Ye lost, because ye are stupid and badnatured, and ye were wrong all the way along, because ye are stupid. Get over it and shut the fuck up. Ye are also as boring as the weather in November.

By god

Donā€™t mateā€¦.please

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The guilt must be killing you.

Skip the court, their every bit as bent.

In fairness its gas to hear the aul covid being compared to the flu nowadays.

Literally, that was ā€œawkward squadā€ behaviour not so long ago.

Good to see a prominent shareholder of Pfizer saying it.


It was always going to be this way.

ā€œAll truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.ā€

Arthur Schopenhauer


An unexplained increase in sudden adult death syndrome is under investigation too. Madness.

They couldnā€™t be told. Sheep will be sheep. Someone should shear @Malarkey or heā€™ll be riddled in maggots in no time. Poor auld @mikehunt hasnā€™t left the house since.

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Ah sure thankfully i got the 3 jabs otherwise i would have diedā€¦ didnt feel that bad after allā€¦ qoutes of 2022

We did try to warn them. Did our absolute best in as mannerly, calm and logical way as possible. But would they listen?


Usual suspects canā€™t let the old circle jerk go :joy:
Itā€™s over

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We did in fairness, mate.

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Thereā€™s a fourth stageā€¦lads letting on they knew all along. Coincidentally here comes tracksuit


It was an awful miscalculation really from the woke , do-gooders.

Natural immunity was nearly made a far right term.

Ye fucking muppets. Ye were completely codded.