You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Yes, another ladeen that should be sterilized by the lights of his own world view. Stupidity is catching.

Now fuck off and shut the fuck up. Badnatured morons are like Tuesdays in November, only to be endured as part of the inevitable.

There ain’t no stoppin’ the cretins from hoppin’…

The vaccine does not stop transmission or provide immunity.

Ridiculed for saying something that is and was 100% true.

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You got it all wrong. And that craic will be the case forever more. You are about as much as Overman as Ivor Cummins and all the other grifters.

And you still have the same personality. There was no alibi.

How so, Fr Jack?

Rubbish, you fuckwit. There are blacksmiths with an anvil that contains more brain cells than you do.

How does it feel to be that stupid? Like November?

Covid is the same as the flu :rofl:

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Ach now…sure if it wasn’t a huge success lads wouldn’t be queuing up for their fifth ‘booster’ . Would they?

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Anyone under the age of 75 without maybe 4 underlying illnessess would want to take a look at themselves.

Absolute madness, mate.

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Because the Covid virus ended the same way as the Spanish flu did – and pretty much as all pandemics do. Namely: a less virulent strain of the virus arrives.

Now fuck off. I have no interest in educating a badnatured fuckwit like you. You have never had an interesting idea in your life. And never will, due to genetics.

It must really upset you how much Vladimir Putin fears Covid. Do you feel awful conflicted?

How did it feel to spend hundreds of hours – if not thousands of hours – online and still miss how the pandemic would turn out?

Have to say @fulvio was 100% right. Shame he is not here to be proven absolutely correct.


He made a YouTube hero out of that Nutty Professor posting from his den in isolation somewhere in the UK.

The hypocrisy of the silly cunt :joy:

By a comedian no one has ever heard of? :joy:

And his hero Putin is far more Covid averse than anyone here. While lads here were crouched at home in front of a screen saying e-rosaries to Ivor Cummins and the like, I was out in pubs and going to gigs, meeting people. Gas.

Thank fuck. If it’s anything like the one you got, I’d be screwed, filling myself with whiskey & pfizer to numb the pain and combat the fear. To say you are as thick as pigshit would be unfair to pigshit. Now out to the field where you belong
sheep GIF


The Chinese must be awful stupid cunts altogether lads?

Putin Hazmat

So very funny the way lads’ heroes do not do their bit…

You are a fuckwit and will always be one. If you were the edgelord you try and let on you are, the misanthropic know all in a pullover, you would castrate yourself.

Anyhow, no one will ever have a problem knowing what to buy you for Christmas. To wit:

Donkey Hammer 2

Submit you buffoon, and admit to being the fool you are, you’ll find peace.