You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Waste of time debating with that ape, mate.

Leave him off into the abyss there.

You could get 100 free IQ points along with that donkey hammer and still not come near me. There is only one of me. There are billions of you.

You are a badnatured fuckwit in an online circle jerk with other inadequates. Go on, tell us why men are superior to women, why white people are superior to black people. Give us a rundown, so to speak. Tell us how much you admire Morrisseyā€™s honesty.

Thats as silly as saying you must be conflicted because putin fears covid, or trump promoted vaccines. Surely an intelligent fellow like yourself can judge these issues on their merits without resorting to such nonsense?


I canā€™t help it. Iā€™m such a good natured person, I thought I could help him.

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cc @Fran :joy:

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Repeating the word ā€˜conflictedā€™ is not an argument. It is just a repetition of the word ā€˜conflictedā€™. You often ā€˜argueā€™ in this fashion.

How many first class degrees in Mediocrity Studies have you?

What do you think is the root of your insecurity?

How many first class degrees have you in anything?



You should do the honourable thing and resign like your internet heroes did.

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I never argue/punch down. Iā€™m genuinely trying to help.

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I do not need help. Best of my knowledge, I did not get the virus ā€“ thus far. Nor did anyone ā€“ touch wood ā€“ in my immediate family.

I do not believe in living in fear, like you do.

Leave the man be.

I have obtained some info as regards to certain Limericks running PMā€™s again. Would you believe it but some of them are involved in hilarious Liverpool related posting.

A poem

by Thomas Hood

No sun; no moon!
No morn; no noon;
No dawn; no dusk; no proper time of day.
No warmth, no cheerfulness, no healthful ease,
No comfortable feel in any member;
No shade, no shine, no butterflies, no bees,
No pandemic really, no shortage of whiskey,
No fruits, no flowers, no leaves, no birds!;


Honourableā€¦ These lads are only a few steps removed from Thomas Mair.

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We tried to tell some less nuanced postersā€¦

@the_man_himself , etc

Iā€™ve logged a ticket.


So you finally agree. Some us joined the dots a lot quicker though.

You really must be one of the dumbest people on the planet. I do not mind you having that affliction, only that you are not an amiable idiot.

Here is how it is. You are an inadequate who scopes around in right wing shite online to find ā€˜justificationā€™ for personality defects.

There it is. And there are countless of ye.

A small mickey merchant who did not take THE VACCINE is still a small mickey merchant.