You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Well said that man.


Thats one for @rocko’s thread.

Look. Israel isn’t reponsible for this sort of oppression & terror

At about 1.30pm, settlers from the two outposts, Havat Maon and Avigayil – illegal even under Israeli law – which the Palestinian village sits uneasily between, advanced on the flock of a Palestinian shepherd from neighbouring Rakiz, throwing stones and stabbing sheep, killing six of them. More than a dozen of Al Mufakara’s 120 residents retaliated with stones in an attempt to repel the settlers. But the settlers, several armed, rapidly entered the village and, as women barricaded themselves and their children in their homes, left a trail of smashed windows, an overturned car, shattered windscreens, punctured water tanks, slashed tyres, vandalised solar panels – and six injured Palestinians, including Mohammed.
reinforcements arrived they focused on dispersing the Palestinians defending the village, about half of whom now retreated into the valley below. “They were beside the settlers, shooting teargas and stun grenades and rubber bullets at the Palestinians,” he says. “If Israel went by the law, none of these settlers would be here … and yet Israeli soldiers come with M16s and confront people like this who have no weapons.”
Palestinian residents of villages like Mufakara are refused permits to build clinics and schools or pave their hair-raisingly rough access roads. Denied access to utilities, they can pay five times more for water than Israelis. Many homes have been served military demolition orders. This is compounded by the tens of thousands of acres of “state land” allocated to settlers on pastures used by Palestinians for generations.

Doctor in South Africa suggesting the new variant is mild, at least in her experience

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The previous variants have all thankfully not been any worse symptoms wise than the original but have been increasing in the degree of transmissibility - I’ve seen comments to say it’s twice as transmissible as Delta. Therefore more cases, more hospitalisations, more ICU, more deaths.

More transmissable usually means less potent. It’s how viruses evolve.


It will still have a hospitalisation rate even if smaller. Then the larger case numbers will drive that up.

I’d expect a balanced report on this new variant from Claire Byrne in the morning.


It probably will lead to some hospitalization. The rate of hospitalization has gone down massively lately though, thankfully. Vaccines are doing a great job

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I would hope for your sake @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy doesn’t see that post

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I don’t see any way it would come to him attention


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I’m glad about that for @batigol 's sake 'tis a good job @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy doesn’t get to know what he’s saying.

It worries me that @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy would seem to be aligned with this, possibly asexual, guy

Virologist to Omicron-Drosten: “I’m pretty worried”


11/28/2021 10:38 pm

Virologist Christian Drosten explains on ZDF why Omikron alarms him more than the alpha and delta versions once did. And that he is skeptical of information about mild courses.

ZDF: I know we don’t really know much yet. But after everything that has been reported, can this Omikron variant make things even worse?

Christian Drosten: Yes, unfortunately. We don’t really know that much about it. I have to say I’m pretty worried right now. I am surprised to see so many mutations in the virus. These mutations are then the only thing that is really tangible. You don’t always understand immediately what mutations do in real life.

There are reports in the media today about mild developments. I don’t think there’s a lot of substance in that yet. We have only detected a little over a thousand cases and their clinical course has to be seen first. That means that you really have to be open to everything. What can already be said is that this infection in South Africa often occurs in young people, in people who first and foremost have already had the disease, who now get it as a second or third infection and then with symptoms.

Nobody can say at the moment what is in store for us. But what you can really say with certainty: It’s better to be vaccinated. And it’s even better when you’re boosted.

ZDF: Well, it is the case that someone who has previously been considered recovered was already considered to be similar or perhaps even better protected than by the vaccination. If you now say that people in South Africa who have already had Covid become ill , then that speaks for the fact that this protection could in any case be undermined.

Drosten: That is precisely the concern that we have a first real immune escape mutant in front of us right now. The other mutants so far did not have this characteristic as strongly. And of course everyone is a bit nervous and excited to see whether one might lose so much protection, both through surviving the infection and hopefully not through the vaccinations, that one would even have to change the vaccinations again.

All of that will surely answer the next two to three weeks. We must also understand what it is really like now with the severity of the disease. What we cannot say at the moment is how it behaves with us. Because here the virus has different conditions than in South Africa.

Many people have been vaccinated here, they have not recovered. And that’s a difference.

(…) I also have to say that there have been more and more reports that I have received from my colleagues that there are already quite a few infections in Germany and Europe.

ZDF: That sounds a little different from the first statements from experts. Yesterday, however, they always said that they could still say very little, but I can now feel a slightly different tone in your information.

Drosten: Exactly, so it is actually a situation that is developing from day to day. And right now we don’t know what to expect.

But it feels different than the first information about the alpha and delta variants. So I think we should take it seriously now.

If it turns out that the severity of symptoms has been reduced, for example, then we can all be quite relieved. But I am very far from this view at the moment.

ZDF: Will we be able to reliably count on the fact that we will be able to adapt the vaccines again? That is supposed to be the great advantage of this modern technology, that you can catch such mutations again.

Drosten: Yes, that is correct, it will be relatively easy to do technically. And this path is also pre-formed regulatively. But we’re talking about months, of several months, until the first doses are actually delivered. And then really larger numbers have to be produced. So that is not the current problem at all.

We now have to work with the available vaccines, which are really very likely to protect against the severe course. Regardless of whether this variant is now more accessible for portability. We must now see that we are doing two things:

We have to boost it as quickly as possible. Because our real problem is still the delta variant, the winter wave that we have now.

In contrast, the Omikron variant that is now coming from South Africa is a mini-problem at the moment. And we have to close the vaccination gaps. Necessarily. That is very important, because if you are not protected at all, you do not want to hit the Omikron variant.

I think South Africa’s cases went down from 3,200 odd to 2,800 odd today. We’ll have to see what happens with that and with hospitalisations there over the next week.

But in saying that I suspect they may not be a particularly good barometer for how Europe could fare with this.

A lot of folks have a financial interest in covid dragging out so long. No wonder they are concerned. Rte for one


The people who have by far the most financial interest in dragging the pandemic out as long as possible are the grifters.

Ivor Cummins, Robert Malone, Bret Weinstein, Pierre Kory etc. are the sort of people you’d look at first.

Then you’d look at the entire right-wing griftosphere.

Then you’d look at the vaccine makers who won’t release their intellectual property.

RTE are about the last place you’d look - unless you mean Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

RTE coining it from COVID


There are a lot very gullible lads here.

The sort of lads who think they’re a step ahead.

They’re about ten steps behind.

Rte, cillian de gascan, eamon Ryan’s brother, private hospitals, none existent ventilators and useless PPE from China are all examples of official people conning the irish public with tax payer money. No dobth there is others profiting from the opposite side but not off the public purse to keep the fear going.