You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

This chap didn’t know his arse from his elbow. Instead of the utopian world of peace and harmony he envisaged the online world to be, we as a species decided the best use for it would be to call each other paedophiles.

We will create a civilization of the Mind in Cyberspace. May it be more humane and fair than the world your governments have made before.

Davos, Switzerland
February 8, 1996



How so?

Oh, I am a lot of things. Not so sure about clever – but the other in ways gofers like you could never understand. All you are is the Dickensian clerk with the thick lips who is given – therefore – the job of licking envelopes.

You got chased, you vulgarian fuckwit.

About what?

You will get that medal.

Show me where I said anything like this craic to yer man: "Old men who obsess with strangers children normally end up on a list and the next step is often prison.”

Go on, show me. You are the one saying I did.

You are telling lies by the ton.

Do you have an eight old daughter?

Because I know who you are.

If you do not…

Back to the fíor angle on which he came in…

You are some eejit. And you could have been walked into major trouble.

I can read a fuckwit’s mind like animals eat high grass. There is so little of it that the lack sharpens appetite.

Do you have an eight year old daughter? Tell us.

Am I?


Oh god yeah.

What class of an “infraction” would you deem pretending to have a daughter (of a certain age) so as to accuse someone publicly of paedophilia/to collude with someone to accuse someone publicly of paedophilia?

Any opinion?

You know what you said. From my recollection what you said was worse, because Esteban didn’t suggest he would sleep with your daughter or any such weirdness. Do have any sense of shame or embarrassment for such a weird outburst?

You’re a liar and a hypocrite. Grow the fuck up.

Aren’t there a lot of lads on this forum who e-high fived Donald Trump when he casually joked about incest with his daughter?

Seems like they’re OK with the concept?

No, I am not. I am not a liar or a hypocrite.

You are in a frenzy now of stupidity and ego. Grab a hold of yourself, so to speak. Here is a straightforward ethical conundrum. Answer it.

What would you think of someone who invented a daughter (of whatever kind) so as to accuse someone, publicly, of paedophilia?

Answer it. Hypothetically, like.

But I will bet you are too much of a coward and too twisted and too nuts to do so.

season 7 wait a minute GIF

Wait a minute… Do I actually have a daughter?

Tanland figures show hospital admissions heading back up to April levels whatever that means.

You are a liar. You made a worse comment to Esteban. Something about being creepy with children was it not? I’m sure you remember, you repeated it a number of times. You’d rather lie through your teeth than admit it.

Have you no sense of embarrassment about typing out a post about sleeping with someone’s daughter and posting it to them on the internet? What kind of fucking ape carries on like that?

And just like always, you are too small and stupid a man to admit you got it wrong, and here you are yet again having another meltdown as you double down on your own frankly, bizarre, stupid and creepy comments.

Christ above the irony is off the charts. Too thick to see that as well.

Find it, so.

More importantly, you are on notably dangerous ground here, because you are justifying and condoning a statement publicly accusing me of paedophilia.

Do you think I should be publicly accused of paedophilia? I am inviting you to disassociate yourself completely from such an accusation.

We both know which one of us is lying.

Stick the two loons on ignore.

It drives them demented.

Screaming into the void.

It also means the place won’t get shut down when one of them runs to Twitter as he is want to do.

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