You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

@anon67715551 , I shall be overnighting in Drumshambo tomorrow.


We do.

I am inviting you again to disassociate yourself from this this public accusation of paedophilia againt me by @Horsebox:

"Old men who obsess with strangers children normally end up on a list and the next step is often prison.”

Do you disassociate yourself from it? Or are you continuing to assert its acceptability/veracity?

How does it feel to get so chased as to end up depending on ‘ignore’?

You know what the story is here. These lads are kippers.

“Stick to being a soccer head who gets creepy about children” was your line.

Yes, with Joe Duffy in the mix. I withdrew the remark, publicly.

I will invite you one last time to disassociate yourself from an accusation by @Horsebox, publicly, against me yesterday of paedophilia: "Old men who obsess with strangers children normally end up on a list and the next step is often prison.”

Do you disassociate yourself from that accusation?

You’ll be lucky to get a billet in the Hotel Rwanda according to my sources. Full to the gills with refugees.
However, should you find yourself in the county capital let me recommend the Oarsman for a spot of grub.
Keep your eye peeled for Eurovision royalty about the town, the adjudicator will grant you the spot should you come across him. Enjoy the stay, the natives are mostly sound.


Lads would do well to listen to ivor and jay…theres a lovely moment when the eminent stanford professor expresses his admiration for ivor.

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We are heading to a 50th birthday party. The wife of said person is a drumshambo native. I have been informed that we are renting and overnighting in a pub (don’t ask me name of it as Im only doing what Im told) Its byob so I presume its somewhere that diversed after covid. I attended the funeral of said wifes mothers funeral four years back. Eurovision roya8you are referring to also attended and was standing beside me in the graveyard. However did not log it for obvious reasons

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I’ll leave you there.

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If I don’t what…? :exploding_head:

That’s not an acquisition of paedophilla. You made that leap.

Its an insinuation though Tim, and anyone who read that was only going to draw one conclusion.


A false herring was flown by a few enemies of Malarkey.

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The blade was lowered and then got lower and lower. Two wrongs dont make a right.


I agree, they are all cunts.

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He said my kids were friends with hockey playing Protestants who laughed at me.

Whether it’s true or not, that’s my anecdote to tell.

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The silicon chip inside her head.
Has switched to overload.

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Why are protestants laughing at you?

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Ah @malarkey is worse. The stuff about @TheUlteriorMotive’s kids has been ongoing and is in very poor taste. The remark about impregnating tims kid (which came prior to @horsebox’s remark) was off the wall mental. I dont think @Horsebox’s remark would stand up as an allegation in any imaginary court that @malarkey is prepping himself and us for at the moment… however i would love to sit in a court and listen to some of the posts of the last 24 hours being read out to a judge. It would be hilarious.
I will say this @Malarkey hasn’t mentioned what type of literature he presumes people read while insulting them over the last 24 hours so at least his posting is progressing slightly.