You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

I think yer man reckons they laugh at me because he thinks Protestants are better than me.

And they are. At buying hockey sticks. I sent the young lad up on day one with a goalie stick. I had to replace it. If you asked me still to tell the difference Iā€™d struggle.

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a nice ā€˜he said, she saidā€™ post there, you chick-lit gowl.

My brother has a habit of mispronouncing words. He was playing hurling in Boston one summer and needed appropriate footwear. He went in to Foot Locker and asked the female sales assistant had she ā€˜a pair of clitsā€™.


The stuff about my kids was trying to get a rise out of me. Iā€™ve been fairly open on here about one of my kidā€™s issues with dyspraxia. He never mentioned that.

In fairness to him he didnā€™t really attack my kids but rather their lineage - me. Itā€™s not a very clever way to attack somebody but there you go.

Heā€™s not a nice person and has his demons. Iā€™m guilty of prodding him (pun intended) to get a reaction as he needs his bubble pricked now and then.

Iā€™ll steer clear of him from now on as heā€™s not well and has a nasty streak beyond whatā€™s normal or acceptable.


Next weeks article in The Examiner will be some laugh ā€œExperienced Cody and Kilkenny have the ability to impregnate vulnerable Lohan and Clareā€

Itā€™s a sad day when a chick no longer lights you up. Iā€™ll pray for the swift return of your soul.

Itā€™s a fact that saying that could lead one to conclude you could he up for any number of crimes.

Stalking is soon to be a standalone offense in Ireland, for example.

Iā€™d suggest if you didnā€™t want those things to be suggested not to talk about impregnating someoneā€™s daughter.


It was not an insinuation though. Read the full post and the posts leading up to it and not just the sentence that eejit keeps quoting. It was said in a manner of stop going down the path youā€™re going with constantly talking about other peopleā€™s kids. Also he said last night that heā€™d leave it off as he held me in such contempt but heā€™s playing the victim today because heā€™s embarrassed about his behaviour and heā€™s being egged on by clowns like tom brady. I said last night I was not calling him a paedophile heā€™s the one who played that card.


Fecks sake thatā€™s bad luck

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After being flattened yesterday as the day has gone on today heā€™s got much better, mothers first anniversary on Sunday in Limerick 70 going for a meal after mass so heā€™ll miss that. Rest of us are fine so far anyway :crossed_fingers:


An auld head cold.


Happy days

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The most vexed I ever saw him was when tipp beat kk tbh and Richie Hogan got sent off for gbh.

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Thought so.

And all because I did not want to be your private message forever friend.

Bless. You really must be a day release job

This craic is so funny to watch.

For a supercilious idiot, you have an extraordinary capacity for self humiliation. My plan worked beautifully because I can predict every move a Kevin Myers-admiring fuckwit will make.

How does it to be feel to be shown up for the toxic creep you are, someone prepared to invent an eight year old daughter so as to accuse someone on the Internet of paedophilia?

That person is who you are.

And it is far more than an insinuation.

I knew what they would do. The stupid are immensely predictable.

You are as big a creep as the other two. if you are yer manā€™s mate, I must find out in Crokes who you are as well. Probably another shades and cargo pants merchant.


You are some flute.

My friend in Crokes read all the stuff last night and was most amused. He sent me a WhatsApp this morning:

One of the women said about him that he probably still wears the stopwatch when in bed with the wife.

To my recollection I sent you one private message, suggesting you lay off a small bit from another poster and explaining my reasons.

You screenshotted it and posted it on the board to try have another go at the poster in question.

Thatā€™s just the kind of little man you are. A pathetic little man.

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