You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

He hasnt been wrong at all about covid has he?

Either that or a head cold doesn’t effect the lungs?

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Does Luke have skin in the game I wonder…

So was the greatest President of my lifetime.

So what? Ukraine is bigger than Zelensky.

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The HSE lads have skin in the game at least.

He came across okay in the Pandemonium book. Hooligan abused him on a couple of Zoom calls so he withdrew from things.

As expected, the NPHET head honchos all of whom are Department of Health officials came across as complete cunts. The HSE are a mess but it’s an inherited system.

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Is that book good tim?

Tim where have we settled on being still infectious at the moment. Is it seven days from symptoms and you’re most likely not infectious any more?

Asking for a friend?

2 days after clear antigen is the current advice I believe, Round 2 here at the moment eldest last week missus was Monday both were ok compared to Round 1 in December 2020

Antigens don’t work half the time :person_shrugging:t2:

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Something like that :eyes:

And if they’re still showing positive? They can stay positive for a while…

Half of them do

Being positive means you’re infectious doesn’t it?

Ya 7 days from first symptoms the HSE told me two weeks back.

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Excellent. That answer works. Thanks mate.


Not even remotely

My friend’s sister is a senior nurse and the current policy is return to work on day eight, including with patients, regardless of what the test says. Current strain showing up much longer than previous ones on antigen tests she said.


Where’s the herd immunity we were promised? There’s a serious number of people very sick with this in hospital at the minute with no underlying conditions. And in the middle of summer… Lockdown this winter is inevitable

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Stay within 5km of home or you’ll die more than likely