You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Myself and the missus have it. Not too bad with it myself but Ms Locke has a rough dose of it. Kids have no symptoms.

Why’s that? Point to anywhere in the wotld where its made a blind bit of difference.
We may have to consider the possibility that the vaccine is the problem.

Come again?

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I’m not an advocate for lockdowns… Half of the cunts seriously sick are unvaccinated with no underlying conditions. The other half have underlying conditions.

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I woke up this morning with a runny nose.
Why o why didn’t I take ten shots… Oh the humanity of it

Shur what even counts as unvaccinated these days? Someone who skipped their fourth booster?

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I don’t know bud. They are being reported as unvaccinated… I’m not pushing any agenda here except that history has a funny way of repeating itself. I don’t think crass comments about a runny nose when people are dying does much for anyone either.

Instead of coming out now and gently reminding people who have symptoms to apply a bit of common sense and stay home, our overlords have totally gone to ground . They’ll reappear only when we reach a tipping point in hospitals and the doom merchants will be back with a bang looking for masks, restrictions and jabs.


You need to be very careful, the thought police patrol here regularly. Repeat after me, flu good, covid bad.

I saw a few “double vaxed, masks at the ready, semi obese” Declan and Rachel’s at the airport with little Johnnys in tow.

All munching down the processed carbs incase god forbid their blood sugars would dip at all, little Johnny was getting his daily dose of the YouTube algorithm and Rachel catching up on the mainstream media news. Declan just sat there trying to make sense of it all.

They were the exception but they still exist and I wonder when the penny will drop.


Where do you see that?

From June 22nd

"Dr Holohan said last week that more than seven in 10 patients hospitalised directly due to Covid-19 complications were aged 65 and older.

His weekly report, compiled last Friday, said of those in hospital of all ages directly due to Covid at that point 46pc had received a booster vaccination, 19pc had completed primary vaccination and 35pc were partially vaccinated"

Did you not think to lean in and tell her to do her own resurtch?

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It was on Da Radio… Caught a piece on Rte driving Sunday morning

Here we are, nearly 30 months later – no further advanced.

Answer: Ireland, in late 2020/early 2021.

Among countless other instances.

Of course, this virus is seasonal, like all other similar viruses, and there is no Covid around at the minute, because it is July. Of course. And we can acquire ‘herd/natural immunity’, because no one can get Covid two or more times. Of course.

Translation: kangos lobotomizing themselves, nearly 30 months later.

And it is only an oul’ head cold, this oul’ virus – but we need to take Ivermectin for it, not ibuprofen. Which is rather odd, even at face value.

Meanwhile you personally are scared of taking a vaccine that has worked tremendously well for billions – but think a spot of war would be great to bring on the moral fibre of decadent young people in The West. Odd.

Meanwhile Covid-19 was brought under control by a combination of vaccination and the emergence of a more infectious but less virulent variant. The latter phenomenon is a well established historical pattern. That lads who spent countless hours on the University of Twitter and YouTube gaining a doctorate in Virology could not grasp this basic pattern is rather hilarious – coldly hilarious. Colder than July, you might say.

The vaccines are great. I will shortly be having my fourth shot. I like being out and about. We will see a full house in Croke Park at 2022’s Senior Final thanks to the vaccines.

Some people live in a way that allows them to avoid, on a personal level, needing a vaccine – and fair play to them. I admire them. But those people are few and far between – and cannot be scaled up into how to deal with Covid in large towns, conurbations, cities.

Most people, unlike you, do not want to live in fear. Most people understand, unlike you, there are no (inverted) utopian answers, no black and white answers, no means whereby everything can be made perfect by everyone taking or not taking a vaccine. One term for this recognition? ‘Growing up.’

Despite your exceptionally long stint on the University of Twitter and YouTube, you never came up with any rubric except this one: ‘Let there be no restrictions of any kind, let everyone get the virus, and let all the devilish details take hindmost.’ You could partially redeem yourself by simply admitting you were wrong, have been wrong all along.

Now we will hear a seethe of lies, as all the OIUTF vipers hiss together, even though we are ‘opened up’ – thanks to the vaccines. But facts remain facts, all the while – facts in the broader sense and facts in the acutely narrow sense of what people opined on here.

The one utopian scenario that would be wonderful to see? A vaccine against stupidity.

How would lads show off their intelligence then ?

By recognizing that talk about vaccines being a far bigger problem than Covid is the height of puerile self indulgence.

Clear now?

What makes you think I’m not living, or living in fear? Shur didn’t i buy eleven cattle at Clogher mart last Saturday…and it packed to the rafters?
The vaccine has helped some, made no difference to others and hurt quite a few. As for lockdowns and masks- mere pageantry and superstition. Youd be as well paying for papal indulgences.


Not what you said six hours ago.

It’s helped far far more than it’s hurt.

It hasn’t made a blind bit of difference to anyone other than those vulnerable to covid. Thats well established at this stage

Utter rubbish. Why do you keep peddling complete untruths and de facto lies? After all, unlike some, you are not stupid by nature.